Source Code

Full Auto

A codename for marijuana.


hey you wanna go play full auto right now at my house, there is no one home.

by jason, and jared August 31, 2008

13πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Full of shit

(Adj.) When someone who is constipated and or hasn't took a dump before having conversation with someone says some stuff that doesn't make much sense because of the effect the fecal matter lying within the intestine has on that persons consciousness.

Buddy: we don't exist we only think ourselves to exist
Chris: dude, you're full of shit when is the last time you took a dump?
Buddy: like three days ago
Chris: you need to handle that scandal before you speak to anyone again

by Bighomie100 April 5, 2017

13πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Full Nude

1.) To take off all your clothes.
2.)To do something intense or hardcore.
3.)A meaningless word used as an adjective in Dayton, Ohio, often strewn together with other meaningless adjectives.

"Oh wow, full nude, I can't believe you had sex with three girls in one night in your parents bed."

"Tom took off all his clothes; he went full nude."

"Oh shit, oh fuck, ultimate-ultimate, straight penetrate, full nude, big pig, big baby."

by Jeff Olt January 18, 2008

10πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

full throttle

a way to warm up a pussy before sex, you hold your hand in the position or way you would hold the throttle of a motorcycle grip with your thumb sticking out wet with spit and act like you are giving the motorcylce gas with a twisting motion but you do this to her clitoris.

Lastnight before she rode hard, I warmed her up with the full throttle.

by Big Bean Dip November 28, 2006

50πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž

full of shit

In the wise words of one youtube comment, it is a shorthand for describing people who eat shit for breakfast, lunch and dinner after which the sleep in shit beds and have shit dreams of shit.

Stranger: You should try this game out, I heard its great.

i tried it the other day,

at the start of every round i told my team i was a new player and needed some help, then 2 mins into the game, when i'm the first one to die, i get shit on by my teammates.
this game is shit because of the shit community that is full of shit people who eat shit for breakfast, lunch and dinner after which the sleep in shit beds and have shit dreams of shit, shit shit shit

by IEatChalk December 25, 2014

22πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

full blast

Unmitigated, unflinching; wholehearted; total.

"Jesse Jackson, Andrew Young, and Al Sharpton...don’t support Barack Obama full blast because of what he represents: change and a different pedigree of leadership."

by wabenzi December 27, 2007

6πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Full Grassley

A "full Grassley" is when you're ass-raped and then he tries to force you to suck him off afterwards.

Named after Chuck Grassley, Chairman of the (US) Senate Judiciary Committee in 2016/2017, after his Constitution-bending 180 with Supreme Court Judge nominees Merrick Garland and Neil Gorsuch.

He's a complete douche-bag. He tried to do a full Grassley on her.

by Publius X February 21, 2017

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