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Verb: /Grr/Ass/Lee

To fuck up an institution, responsibility, or process so thoroughly it defies accurate description.

10 pounds of shit in a 5-pound bag

Ex 1:
Dave: I'm in trouble; I totally Kavanaugh'd Jenny at the office party last night. My wife saw it on facebook!
Steve: Way to Grassley your marriage.

Tom: How did you score a goal for the other team twice?
Dave: I got pretty Kavanaugh'd after study hall last night. Sorry guys, I pulled a double Grassley.


Ex 1:
Dave: I'm in trouble; I totally Kavanaugh'd Jenny at the office party last night. My wife saw it on facebook!
Steve: Way to Grassley your marriage.

Tom: How did you score a goal for the other team twice?
Dave: I got pretty Kavanaugh'd after study hall last night. Sorry guys, I pulled a double Grassley.

by Tokenwhite September 28, 2018

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Charles Grassley

Douche-bag Republican Senator from Iowa who is the Chairman of the Senate Judicial Committee. Typically Grassley follows the official party line and doesn't seem to have any original thoughts of his own.

Immediately following the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia Mitch McConnell announced that the Senate would not confirm any replacement until after the next election likely meaning there will be a vacancy left unfilled for at least a year. Charles Grassley of course instantly fell in line and refused to even hold hearings.

by Just_sayin' May 11, 2016

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Grassley Rule

1. A precedent for the exclusive use of partisan politics when determining whether a nominee to the Supreme Court should be confirmed.

2. An excuse for those who wish to ignore their responsibilities without facing consequences.

Established by Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa, when as Chair of the Judiciary Committee led the unprecedented obstruction of a nominee to the Supreme Court.

Senators referenced the Grassley rule as justification to oppose the President's nomination to the Supreme Court.

Mom: Timmy, did you do your homework?
Timmy (playing video games): Nah
Mom: Did you take out the trash?

Timmy (still playing games): Nah Mom
Mom: Why not?

Timmy (shrugs): Grassley Rule

by ProgressIowa January 24, 2017

Ass is Grassley

Senator Chuck Grassley’s new nickname after the Kavanaugh debacle.

Man, that Senior Senator’s Ass is Grassley for sure, his constituents will duly vote his ass out of the Senate!

by Dr Bunnygirl October 5, 2018

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Full Grassley

A "full Grassley" is when you're ass-raped and then he tries to force you to suck him off afterwards.

Named after Chuck Grassley, Chairman of the (US) Senate Judiciary Committee in 2016/2017, after his Constitution-bending 180 with Supreme Court Judge nominees Merrick Garland and Neil Gorsuch.

He's a complete douche-bag. He tried to do a full Grassley on her.

by Publius X February 21, 2017

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To be in an position of power and yet completely ignore the common courtesies of social interactions. This is especially prominent among WASP cis males in the Republican Party.

Example: when Sen Chuck Grassley failed to introduce Mrs. Christine Blasey Ford during the Kavenaugh hearings.

My date was a grassley-eyed jerk! He interrupted me by first saying "let me not interrupt you" and then don't bother introducing me to his friends at the party

by youcanbytemyascii September 28, 2018

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