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Guido Minute

When your friend says they'll show up in a minute, but ends up taking 30 minutes instead. Normally done by people named Guido.

Me: Hey, how long until you're ready?
Guido: Yeah, just give me a minute
Me: Alright, I'll see you in one Guido Minute then.

by MANLIKETONER July 31, 2021

PP minutes

A phrase used by gamers and means 15 to 20 minutes

-I will be back in pp minutes

-ok sure

by YesIplayGames December 23, 2019

I’m 5 minutes away

It means that the person haven’t left the house. Usually still getting ready.

I’m 5 minutes away

by November 22, 2021

45 minutes

When you go off of Rowan’s time and end up in futurama by the time she is actually ready

Ha! I am Ro spelled R-O I will be there in “45 minutes”

by Captain za October 27, 2023

80 minute Welshman

A Welsh person who claims pride over their country, often using sports events such as rugby or football to convey it, but then regressing to an Anglo-British view of Wales. This regression might be seen in their political, cultural or philosophical view of Wales. They will often have a more regional view of Wales within the UK, referring to it as "too small" or "too poor".

The 80 minutes refers to the length of a rugby match, often touted as the most "patriotic" sport in Wales, and that often support for their country ends shortly after the final whistle, essentially making their perceived Welshness irrelevant.

English person: "Yeah but Alun Cairns says that Wales is too small to be independent and he's Welsh"
Welsh person: "Yeah but he's only an 80 minute Welshman! He doesn't give a damn for Wales the rest of the time!"

by Daw'r_Wawr_Eto May 9, 2020

Military Minute

A denomination of time equal to 59 regular seconds.

Person 1: are you ready yet?

Person 2: almost, I’ll be ready in 59 seconds.

Person 1: you fool, you could have just said you’d be ready in one military minute.

Person 2: you’re right, that’s such a practical and useful denomination of time.

by A Cream Supreme August 19, 2022

7 minutes in the spirit realm.

A game commonly played by one person, usually an emo person. In this game, someone goes into a closet, and waits until they reach an out of body experience. A 3rd step could be added where you summon a demon.

Person 1: Dude I played 7 minutes in the spirit realm. It was not easy.
Person 2: It's easier with weed.

by Razorclaw the crab May 29, 2019