Owen is one of the best guys you’ll ever meet in a lifetime. He is a sweet, funny, cool gentleman. He is the best source for good music, which is one of the cutest things about him. Once you meet Owen, you’ll be unable to forget him. Never take him for granted.
Gosh, if only Owen knew how amazing he is.
The hottest guy you will ever meet. all the girls have a crush on him but he only likes one girl back. a girl named______. all the girls want to have sex with him and he shows off his abs every day. he has sex with his girlfriend and she says its the best sex shes ever had. he always cares for his lover and is almost too big for an XXL condom. he is the most amazing in the bed and sex with him will be the best experience of your life.
"omg owen is so hot"
"ikr i wanna have sex with him i bet his dick is huge"
The little neek that sits in the back of the room with a toothy smile staring at you.
Bro look at Owen, he's staring right at me man.
A man who will pull bitches but with get roasted on a minecraft date
nigga owen
caseys are usally 98% obsessed...!
whoa brooo i think im 98% obsessed with my dood owen
an 'owen' is usually used in a term to call someone a special ed, sped, as owen himself is a sped.
Omg, you're such an owen.