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Makes the girls go wild. Technical name: Abdominal (Muscles).

1.Oml😍 Did you see Zac Effron's abs?

2.He has got such great abs
3.Them abs tho

by TheQueen111 May 30, 2016

153👍 50👎


Abs (abdominals) are a set of muscles in your stomach region.

Abs come in different sizes and numbers, like 6pack, 8pack and even 10pack abs

Girl: look at his abs!
Girl: his 6pack is so shredded

by Rozika September 23, 2021

16👍 9👎


The sexiest thing on Taylor Lautners foxy body :)

Look at Taylors abs
Mmmmmmmmmm He's so hot I wanna bake cookies on his stomach!!!!!!!!!!

by Taylorlover923 January 14, 2012

31👍 46👎


The only thing that girls really want

Mmmmmmm I can’t wait to suck some juicy abs

by Smoldicboi November 17, 2018

19👍 31👎


Shortened slang term for "Absinthe", a hallucinogenic, Balz(TM) tripping alcoholic beverage.

Hey bartender, bring me another Abs!

by Jack Batemaster January 7, 2004

21👍 49👎


Noun: An abnormally nice and or large pair of breast.

Guy #1: "Dude did you see that chicks tits?!"

Guy #2: "Fuccckk those were some abnormally huge fuckin' tits. That chick has Abs dude"

Guy #1: "Defff. man she has some killer Abs!"

by Sup3rChubb April 30, 2008

13👍 62👎


A god among men

Troy: ¿Dónde está la biblioteca?
Me llamo T-Bone
La araña discoteca

Abed: Discoteca, muñeca, la biblioteca
Es en bigote grande, perro, manteca

Troy: Manteca, bigote, gigante, pequeño
Cabeza es nieve
Cerveza es bueno

Abed: Buenos días, me gustas papas frias
Bigote de la cabra
Es Cameron Diaz

by TroyBarnes December 28, 2018

76👍 12👎