Source Code

Wall Test

A method by which to determine whether or not you will fit in with a group of people. If your skin color is darker than the wall of the room you are in, you will not.

Raj failed the wall test. How does anyone with the name "Raj" pass the wall test?

by whitefolkhateme November 5, 2006

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Frat Wall

A men's hair style typically found in Big 10 fraternity houses, as well as on older men who don't want to admit that they are now adults, where the hair just above the forehead is spiked straight up but lies flat everywhere else, making it appear as if there is a wall separating one's face from the hair on top of their head.

Are you trying to look like a 19 year old Sig Ep member with that frat wall? Because you're 34. The jig is up.

by Ho-Deck May 25, 2011

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Wall Hanger

The term for when a teacher gives you a discipline notice form (detention, suspension, etc.) that is so funny one should frame it and hang it on their wall in a place everyone will see. It should be seen as a badge of honor.

Person 1: my detention form says he yelled "oh shit last one in is gay!" Twice.

Person 2: yo thats a wall hanger. Get a frame.

by Lilwja January 12, 2015

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Duche Wall

A row of slow walking people in front of you that you cannot pass.

I tried running to catch my bus but I couldn't get past this duche wall.

by Darkwater J. January 18, 2010

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Mini walls

A hypixel game that is like mega walls but u don’t need to mine, u juz need to kill the other minecrafters’ mini wither and kill em all then u won!

A: mini walls sucks!! U prob juz get rekt so easily!!!
B: stfu! Mega walls is juz a long game! I prefer mini walls!
A: noob, just ur bad at mega walls!!!

by His mom is too gay for me February 15, 2019

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wall nj

The most bipolar town in new Jersey. U have ur north wall people who think they’re ghetto and shit, and ur south wall pricks who are either ghetto or better than everyone else. But hey, at least it’s not spring lake and their dumb Irish asses.

Kid 1: where r u from?
Kid 2: Wall nj
Kid 1: thank god ur not from spring lake
Kid 2: spring lake is shit
Kid 1: yeah #springlakegang is so white it hurts #irishRivera

Kid 2: agreed

by Canthang April 29, 2018

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Brick Walls

Sunglasses that have mirrored lenses, so when someone is looking at you all they see is a reflection of themselves. Brick walls prevent those looking at you from seeing your eyes.

"Damn, I look good today," said Kanna looking into Wade's brick walls.

(Wade and his boys start laughing.)

"Sorry Kanna, but I was actually checking out the girl over there", said Wade wearing the brick walls.

"Well how was I supposed to know, I can't see where your dirty eyes are looking in those brick walls," responded Kanna all pissed off.

by kronhart October 18, 2010

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