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cunt biscuit

1. one who is a dirty bitch
2. cunt rag
3. dick mongler
4. just a plain old cunt biscuit
5. all of the above

1-5. Josh's ex-girlfriend is a cunt biscuit

by TJ and Josh make up a word February 16, 2010

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soaky biscuit

A sick game that male chavs play that involves sitting in a circle, (normaly in a field), around a biscuit and jacking off. The last one to cum on the biscuit eats it.

"yo Daz you wana come play soaky biscuit with us, just don't be last yh"

by PompeyGal August 15, 2007

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Whisker Biscuit

A brand name for an arrow rest used in archery.

For better accuracy I use Whisker Biscuit brand arrow rests on my bow.

by T December 18, 2003

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cripple biscuits

what one may have been eating prior to a poor performance.

Biscuits that, when consumed, reduce someone's prowess (at sport for example) to that of a cripple

"John was playing brilliantly in the first half, now he's shite, he must have been eating cripple biscuits at half time"

by Tom Ashby January 19, 2007

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cashier biscuit

One who works as a cashier in the retail industry.

Having friends who are cashier biscuits is the easiest way to get alcohol without being carded.

by CrazyWindmill August 18, 2005

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dirty biscuits

1.the best possible hand you can have in poker.
A.K.A "the nuts"
2.something beyond extremely awesome

Man! I flopped the dirty biscuits and some donkey called my all in with a nine two off suit

by Willerbug March 19, 2007

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Bloody Biscuit

This is a widely played masturbation game. Including 2 or more men jacking off onto a biscuit or other small edible item. The last one to cum is forced to eat said item.

We just played Bloody Biscuit and Jake Fullivlove lost. Too bad he loves giz and woulda ate that shit anyways.

by KinkyBangBang the movie May 28, 2008

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