An HD video recording device similar in style to the popular Flip Cam, but of a different brand, or off-brand.
John: "Is that a Flip Cam?"
Mark: "Nah, this is a Flop Cam. I couldn't afford the real deal."
when breaking in new flip-flops, and the top part where it makes a "V" rubs against the top of your foot thus giving u a hickey in the top of your foot
"u've got somethign on your foot there"
"nah just my flip-flop hickey"
Mentally handicapped or just plain stupid individuals between the ages of 5 and 15. Otherwise known as queefbags and douchetwats.
A wrist flop child will often be less intelligent than the average douchebag, twatnugget, or krauser.
fat ass, Jiggle booty, a butt you wanna eat. an eatable ass
ayeeeee nigga, there that bitch with the flop.
The flops are a well known, fit boy band that consists of full flop, mr flop, half flop, quarter flop and Taylor flop. They all share a passion for flops as you can tell by their names. We all love the flops especially when they sing their biggest hit 9to5
When the person walking behind you steps on the back of your flip flop and causes great pain between the toes
Hey !! You just flop chopped me . Stop stepping on the back of my flip flop