A particularly fine ass that is stuffed so tight it looks like melons on the seat of the person in question.
A scrotum, ballsack, testicle holder
A better term for a teste sac
Humorous scrotum
Man bag
"I caught my pants purse in my zipper again"
"Why us my pants purse so twisted"
"Punch me in my pants purse again and ill punch your donut hole"
Dirty old track pants that have seen some years. Grey, charcoal, or black sweat pants are the standard so the orange stains from eating cheesies hungover on a Sunday afternoon are highlighted. They only need to be washed twice a month maximum and you've had the best years of your life in those bad boys.
I was rockin' cheesy pants all friggin' day watching trailer park boys because I was 10/10 drunk last night.
The shitting of your pants where the shit feels and looks like waffle batter.
Man i was so sick i had a bad case of waffle pants.
When a couple is in a romance simply for the sex. A couple who are in this type of relationship are usually socially with drawn or when with people can't keep there hands off of each other. And actually aren't even that fond of each other just each others genitalia
Guy 1:Yeah Dan was cool till he started going out with cyndie now i don't even see him any more.
Guy 2: yeah man totally a no pants romance.
Another word for jeans, to get around office dress codes.
These aren't jeans, they're trouser pants!
a man that wonders all day in yories pants, then they call over linkin dirt with his umbrella
1. daniel is going to be a high pants, but he already is
2. hey uve seen high pants latly, yeah he hangs out at the rat infested store larry'es with that beaner loranzo,sophia, rebbeca, yorie, eqnalodo and zoo bars brother