Paid off by a CANADIAN!? From Tennessee? Mikhaila Peterson lives in Tennessee along with Brett Cooper. Does Jordan Peterson own a company along with his gay-boyfriend Jonathan... Pageo? Pagauo? Pa-Jow?
Hym "Nah, hey, I could have told you a Canadian is paying influencers to push anti-me propaganda. The Tim Pool DOJ shit is not a surprise to me but I highly doubt it means he's like a Russian asset. No. If this Canadian businessman based out of Tennessee is buying up influencers I can tell you exactly where to look. I got 50 cents to a bucket of dogshit if Gayve Jewbin and Tim 'Not Hym' Pool are in on it I know a couple of other motherfuckers who are getting it too. Fucking Chris Williamson's midget ass is in on it. Destiny's bitch-ass is in on it AND his ass is so fucking gay for me dawg like he has an engagement ring for me and everything. Russell Brand! Yes! Him too! Very good class! My brain is still full to the brim with fluid, you know, so... Take my praise with a grain of salt because you're not actually doing what I want in relationship to my fluid-brainz but YES! Russell Brand! Did you know that that's where Mikhaila Peterson lives? Her and Brett Cooper. That's so weird that a Canadian businessman based in the same place as Jordan Peterson's daughter is paying influencers to spread propaganda. A lot of it is anti-me propaganda. And don't even get me started and the politicians and actors doing it. Tulsi Gabbard. Rosanne Barr. All people I have defended. Still fucking shilling for that fucking Peterson asshole. Unbelievable."
See also: dry snitch, weak kneed whore, and p.o.s.
Oh tattle tale tim Telling on me for no good reason....
a Tim will try to eat you as soon as possible. never be in a room alone with a tim, cause he is a predator and your his natural prey. you will hate him and he's so annoying he's conidered to be a learning dissebility. he will often try to mount you and lay an finger nails in your hair. he always brags about his training schechual and is probobly stronger than thicccc thanos!? he hates vegetebles and he getts burned by crosses. he's often seen pissing on graves or haning out with a large lepricon ginger dude and fricking Guld lock.
a frick Tim Jonasson is going to nuke a kinder garten.
Person 1: Wow! What role is our DPS playing he's popping off!
Person 2: Oh, it's Tim o genki.
When you hit the white cue ball in a game of billiards and it misses every other ball on the table and ends up in on of the pockets. This is also know to a wider audience as a scratch.
Did you see how that person Tim-ed It?
When you invite your friend to hang out or do something with you and he ditches out.
Hey buddy do you want to go play golf? Yes absolutely..... Where the fuck is he? He was Tim-in