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sea-urchin haircut

a haircut with sticking-out hair suggestive of a sea-urchin. It is also scraggly.

The girls have a sea-urchin haircut.

by uttam maharjan August 23, 2012

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Grass Under the Sea

What autistic gay people who aren't very smart (aka fucking stupid) call kale

Heyyyy Grass Under the Sea

by Grass Under the Sea February 1, 2019

2๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

sea bass

In very basic terms it is faeces

Man i left bare sea bass in the pot, bitch!

by Jake 'Bare amounts' Davis March 19, 2004

3๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Deep sea fishing

Deep sea fishing is when you get really drunk and hook up with a fat chick.

Your friend: (most likely after a keg stand) He walks over to the fattest chick he has the best chances with and proceeds to hook up with her.

You: The next day show him pictures of the whale he landed!

This is deep sea fishing

by T Koenig April 2, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Find the Sea Cucumber

When two morally obese men share a bubble bath, they engage in a contest to see who can find each others penis' first.

Joel: Hey Ben, lets go find the sea cucumber!
Ben: Dude totally, but yours might be hard to find you beaner.
Joel: Aw you ginger jew rat ill find yours first!

by Sanjiia November 11, 2009

6๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

deep sea diving

To stick one's entire cranium into the vaginal orifice of a female (or I guess a hermaphrodite.)

Did you see that guy go deep sea diving on that big-hips chick? I DID LOLOLOLOL.

by Deepseadiverextraordinaire May 5, 2006

19๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

sea food diet

A type of diet that most fat people adhere to "the see food diet". When they see food they eat it!

This can be very misleading as it sound like quite a healthy low fat diet until you realize that sea doesn't mean sea (water) but seeing.

Gay Fat John: I'm going on the Sea Food Diet Dave!

Gay Dave: Oh John baby I can't wait 'til you lose weight.

Gay Fat John: Oh Dave you silly sausage, I don't mean Sea Food I mean if I see some food I'm going to eat it! It's similar to the see cock diet, but I don't mean cock (male chicken) I mean the other type of cock because I'm a gay boy.

Gay Dave: Ok John but I wish you'd lose some weight I'm sick of sucking you off, your sweat smells like a mixture between cheese and lard.

Gay Fat John: That's because I don't actually have blood anymore it's just a mixture of loads of different fats, cocoa fat, lard, bacon fat, vegetable oil, butter and cheese fat. It's the fat gay blokes way because all these fats and oils makes a good lube for gay butt sex.

Gay Dave: Oh I suppose you're right, you're always lubed up quite well, that must be why. You must save $$$'s on KY Jelly. WELL DONE!

Gay Fat John: Shut up and bang my bum hole!

by Karl "The K Man" Pilkington January 27, 2008

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