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Faggot Dumpling

Another name for the bowel movement that occurs after engaging in anal sex.

"You should see the size of the faggot dumpling that erupted out of Aaron last night!"

by J-weez April 30, 2009

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Eli (the faggot)

A disappointement to the human race, kids dont dreem, he’ll be raped by satan. He also a fag btw

Hey samuel dont be an eli (the faggot)

by WordMaster60 March 20, 2019

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faggot factory

a device employed to create a superfluous amount of bullshit, or an overwhelming amount of buildings creating such things.

Aaron and Greg used the faggot factory to perfection in that game of age of empires II.

by Heinz Guderian July 1, 2012

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faggot roll

A sushi roll with no fish or meat or tobiko or anything that's a meat product. It's usually just rice and seaweed and avocado and sometimes cream cheese. People with a veggigina usually order them.

Tomo: I'm going to get Nude Sushi, do you guys want anything?
Mark: Get me chicken teriyaki roll and spicy california roll deluxe.
Anuj: I'll take 3 Philadelphia Rolls without crab. Just avocado and cream cheese.
Tomo: Wait, Anuj, did you say 3 Faggot Rolls?

by buttsecks24/7 October 19, 2010

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Faggot about it!

Funny way to say "Forget about it!".

PETER: Sorry those $20 worth of Lottery tickets I bought you for your birthday turned out to be worthless.

TONY: Faggot about it!

by Tony Baloney & Peter Eaton June 23, 2006

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dirt faggot

a slang term for a hippie

God Damn it, that dirt faggot just fucked my goat, ate my Nachoes and smoked all my weed!

by HawtHonkey June 21, 2007

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retarded faggot

a retarded faggot is my math teacher fuck her stupid prick

me: ok let's do math class.
my math teacher: ok guys homework time do it in a few days now cuz im a fucking stupid cunt face who nobody likes and im also a stuck up peice oif shit and i have an actual testical for a brain ok take it now do your like 3 paged homework each page has atleast 20 questions have fun yes because you guys totally dont have important shit to get to like music rehersals because you definatly arent actually performing at a casino grand theater thats over 70 years and totally dont have an actual interscgool debate coming up soon ok bye haha imma go also im a retarded faggot that has no friends

by Stablows July 28, 2021

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