The one kind of cop more full of shit than a regular cop.
The TV Cop kept talking about how what he did to that unarmed black guy made him a real life hero, that it was more than TV.
What a real baddie says to people who dares to make him angry especially with his country cuties.
Person 1: Hey is it okay if I live here?
Person 2: No I donate to the cops. “The Baddie”
Person 1: Mhm sure you do adopt me!
Person 2: *Punches to Ground* “The Baddie”
Typically used by professional undercover agents, the phrase "I'm not a cop", gives the impression that you are totally not a cop.
The phrase has assisted the force in infiltrating and capturing thousands of high value targets involved in drug and human traffic.
Mostly used as a persuasive tactic or a reassuring statement to mask his identity in sting operations.
Totally not a Cop: "yo wassup', you guys know where I can find some of the good dope" , "I'm not a cop"
Crook 1: *pulls out gun*
Crook 2: *pulls out gun*
Crook 3: *pulls out gun*
Crook 4: *pulls out gun*
Crook 5: *pulls out gun*
Gang leader: *in a totally re assuring voice* "you came to the right place, let me show you around"
A cop whose job is to sit and find people to pull over/ A cop who is parked like a crime scarecrow.
“Make sure you drive slow, I saw two paid to park cops on the home earlier”
a halfbit and a marecop put together
God,Mrs. Thomas is such a half-cop!
Being pulled over; interrogation by a cop; unexpected rear view flashing lights; irrational ticket violation.
•If you are driving and a cop pulls you over for nothing out of the ordinary.
•If a cop gives an irrational reason for pulling you over; such as:
- "I didn't see your seatbelt."
- "You didn't use your blinker before turning."
- "You were just about 5mph over the speed limit."
- "I noticed you turned a little too fast around that corner."
• I was on my way home before I was pulled over to flirt with a cop.
• Just flirted with a cop trying to drive to work.
• I didn't expect to be flirting with a cop for not fully stopping at a stop sign.
• Just flirted with a cop for not using my blinker! But he thankfully gave me a warning for such a minor mistake.
Prison slang for stealing another inmate’s items off their fishing line (the string they use to send exchange items between cells).
Sometimes when the line is sent to the gallery, another inmate snatches it for themselves.
I tried sending Bill some coffee on a line, but he never got it because someone has been copping the wire.