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Emma H

The QUIRKIEST person you know! ...probs a ginger

Friends- Who is the quirkiest person you know?
Friends(all turn and look at Emma H)

by Iluvboobs15 November 24, 2020

Emma Raine

A hard, refreshing rain that occurs on an extremely hot day

It was just about to reach 98 degrees when dark clouds came together over the town and began precipitating. "It's an Emma Raine!" the townspeople exclaimed.

by Librarian Lady June 10, 2015

Emma Jo

Probably a sophomore in a redneck region of America. She's secretly liberal and gets shit on for it. She acts innocent but secretly lusts after Marvel characters.

Wow, that girl over there looks like a real Emma Jo

by teheeheeeeee February 13, 2019

emmas bed

when mason fingers jenna on emmas bed while GK is hooking up with katie and hanna

mason wtf man why are you fingering her on emmas bed

by emmajudd April 11, 2021

Luke and Emma

The most perfect meant to be couple always have something to talk about always joke around about stuff that only they understand and know what it mean.

I wish I was like Luke and Emma oh wait I am because my name is Emma and my boyfriend’s name is Luke

by Queen Lil Pandapup April 19, 2019

emma forde

Basically a transgender who looks like a rabbit has a voice like she’s got a cold loves fishy fanny and works at de la salle

Look at that Emma forde

by Griffinwiththerugbytackle October 8, 2020

emma oneill

Emmaoneill is a wonderful amazing girl and she is found to be one of the most nicest friend you could ever have she loves to dance on a daily basis and she is a very loyal friend

Emma oneill loves boys and would like to get three dogs when she grows up

by Ben Darrel February 23, 2017