When an uneducated chef describes his style of cooking.
"Yo, everything we make is whack! My menu is modern american."
A person from the USA and lives in the USA that goes around working on people all the time, stays around churches, social service offices, and the downtown areas. Working on people non-stop when they're not around until they get their way with them. note: often into various urban guerrilla type survival skills.
I didn't know the extent of my mother being able to cause me chaos, until I realized she's an american refugee starting an urban war for me.
The act of coming on a girl's face while saluting the American flag. Typically done at the end of having sex, hence the Grandstand finale.
I'm not moving unless I can finish with The American Grandstand. And find me a fucking flag.
You can't spell American Dream without Eric Andre in the middle
Can't spell American Dream without Eric Andre in the middle- Eric Andre
A really bad reality TV show
Guy 1: Did you see the recent episode of American Politics?
Guy 2: Yes dude! That was insane!
An inescapable pit of hell filled to the very brim with propaganda from two parties that are somehow more different from each other than polar opposites. During the Presidential Elections, this is where shit gets the worst for obvious reasons.
"American Politics suck ass. No words I throw at it can describe how shitty it is. I'm moving somewhere else. I don't want to see 'VoTe FoR dOnLd TrOp/Jo BdEn Or Go To HeLl' ads that I can't block when trying to enjoy some chill gaming content on YouTube. As long as you're on an American IP address, it's PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to get a break."
American Spanish is used by Latinos/Latinas, Hispanics, and Mexicans who were born in the United States of America. It is commonly used among Californian's. The style was created by Robert R. Melendez and the Spanish translation for American Spanish is Español Americano. The style is simply American sayings on Google translate.
Dude: Hey bro, I'm going to see my family this weekend and they usually make fun of me for my Spanish.
Bro: Dude, just use American Spanish.
Dude: How do you use American Spanish?
Bro: Just use American sayings and translate them from English to Spanish on Google. It's that simple.
Dude: Thanks bro, that actually helps out!