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Break you

"Break you" or "Breaks you" is used to discribe something that scared you in such a sense that you "broke". Can also be used as "Break him, breaks him, breaks me."

Sort of like the sayings "That killed my soul","Killed me inside.","I just died inside."

A massively fat person: *starts humping a small child*
Witness: Uhu...Uh.. That's one of those things that will break you.

Jessica: Man! PDR class with that creepy old man will break you over and over again!

by That kid. April 1, 2006

26๐Ÿ‘ 106๐Ÿ‘Ž

break yourself

Move your ass, get going.

Told someone to break themself, and he figure it what it meant, without further explanation

by Saints September 21, 2003

18๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž

break the seal

When you drink so much alcohol that you piss your pants for the first time. From now on you are prone to pissing your pants when you drink, there is no closing "the seal".

Nick: Man I got so drunk I pissed my pants last night
Jeff: Oh shit man, you done break the seal, you'll be pissing your pants all the time now
Nick: Fuckkkk

by TJ1 March 2, 2007

49๐Ÿ‘ 214๐Ÿ‘Ž

Breaking Dawn

By far the best book in the Twilight series. Alot of people are saying that it is an epic fail. But i disagree entirely...I mean Edward and Bella FINALLY do everything they planned. They overcome everyone's expectations for them to fail. I mean they prove that you can be with whoever you want to be with. Honestly I don't understand how this is a failure to the series. I mean Edward and Bella have a baby. They overcame the odds and had a baby!!

In my opinion the best book in the series.
But "don't knock it till you try it". at least read it befor you make your assumptions.

"Breaking Dawn was by far the best book ever!" :Tonya
"I agree" :Sam

by TinySnow December 14, 2008

52๐Ÿ‘ 243๐Ÿ‘Ž

Break Water

To bang out while the lady friend is pregnant.

"I break water" - Tracy Morgan

by MO12 November 7, 2005

6๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Break yo'self

What people think gangsters and thugs say before a robbery. Correct term is, "brace yo'self".

Officer! He came up to me and said, "break yo'self fool!" and then he pulled out a gun. Officer speaking corrects victim by saying, you mean " brace yo'self fool!

by Saga121 June 13, 2010

34๐Ÿ‘ 152๐Ÿ‘Ž

Breaking Bad

A television drama about a chemistry teacher who resorts to creating and selling methamphetamine to pay hospital bills, because in all his years of teaching he somehow never got any assets or saved up money.

Through out the show the main character completely avoids the DEA, snitches and generally jealous people that would do him in. If this show was based on reality he'd have gone to prison for sentence's longer then pedophiles, rapist and murderers, after his street dealers were followed around and phone tapped, but the show isn't based on reality, so it's just something for people to come back to for entertainment.

"I've seen all the episodes of Breaking Bad so far on t.v."

"I don't get where the whole fighting terrorism direction was going with the school teacher in Breaking Bad, so I stopped watching."

by youKnowyouKnow August 26, 2013

31๐Ÿ‘ 143๐Ÿ‘Ž