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by syafinaz? October 17, 2023

bossville army

better than lokiville lokiville sux balls

bossville army is amazing lokiville is ass

by CheeseOkBettLmao May 20, 2022

Sauce army

The sauce army is a group refered to by THECFHSAUCE and is one of the best names anyone has ever thought of.

The Sauce Army is the best

by Slazer33 March 14, 2020

Army of Dunces

A slang term used to describe the lost, usually especially inarticulate, brainwashed and blind followers of Donald Trump.

The mostly red-capped Army of Dunces, spewing sound bites, marched into the meeting hall to be drawn, once again, into their mass MAGA trance.

by Dr Bunnygirl April 23, 2024

ana de army

A woman who is in the military. Often used as a propaganda tool to enlist lonely men.

Don’t let that video of that army girl make you enlist, she’s an Ana de army!

by ChefCheg October 11, 2023

im an army but-

"im an army but-" is an iconic phrase used by stans who are going to throw bts or the army fandom under the bus, or are pick mes who want to be accepted by other stans

Person A: Did you know *this person* did *blahblahblah*

Person B: They did? Im an army but-

by joonlvrs November 5, 2021

skeleton army

Skeleton army is a card in clash royale. If you use this card it proves that you have no parents and you haven't touched grass in 8 years. All you do is play clash royale for 20 hours a day and drink crack cocaine for breakfast lunch and dinner.

i am stupid for playing skeleton army!!

by yessirrrrrrr May 28, 2022