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Closet Fun

When 1 or 2 person involved in a relationship or sex, is secretly gay or other words ( In the closet )

Hey, I get you're not completely out of the closet.. but, since you told me ..maybe we can have a lil' closet fun ?

by Oka-Senpai July 1, 2017

so far in the closet they were sitting on Christmas

A figure of speech meaning that you are being such a concealed person of the LGBTQIA+ Community (known as "closeted") that your metaphorically sitting on stuff at the back of the closet, AKA seasonal decor. (See also "you should be pretty fashionable with how long you've been in the closet")

"Everyone kept wondering why Alex never talked about their personal life, but we all knew they were so far in the closet they were sitting on Christmas."

by SudyCrumbz August 21, 2024

Closet Monkey

A gay black man.

That dude James keeps eyeing other dudes... he's such a closet Closet Monkey!

by Blegh the big Dicker October 10, 2022

closet multitasking

Closet multitasking is when you show up for remote meetings pretending to be in attendance but really working on something else.

Bob: Did you hear in the staff meeting that no one can take vacation in February?
Jane: No. Did Fred say that?
Bob: Absolutely. What were you closet multitasking?

The Boss: Jim, How are sales doing?
Me: crickets - no reply
The Boss: WTF, Jim? You closet multitasking?

by jfburke619 January 26, 2021


Taking clothes that you are too lazy to put away and stuffing them under a rug.

Sophia put her clothes in her rug-closet to clean her room faster.

by Wathay6908 November 15, 2016

Closet? You'll Love It!

the seventeenth episode of the sixth season of the American sitcom Modern Family, and the series' 137th episode overall.

Closet? You'll Love It! received mixed reviews from the critics with some of them praising Haley and Andy's storyline

by SPrice1980 May 14, 2023