The act of a good friend leaving a function, or party, without saying goodbye, because it is not what they want to do. They usually a 1986 Cream Yellow Thunderbird. They usually listen to an ipod with headphones, while driving.
Fuck that guy, he's Jakeing out!
8π 3π
The act of leaving a public place, i.e. school, for an extended period of time to masturbate
Dude where's Jake he's been gone for like an hour.
Oh he's probably jaking off
22π 13π
A bald kid that jacks off and eats his own cum also see cum dumpster. this is allso called Matising it.he is also someone into really really really really big girls.
that guy just fucked that really really really fat chick then eat his own cum. he is totaly "Jake Matis" ing it
18π 10π
Jake Paul is an actual flop who tries to ruin other people lives in order to succeed, concequntly, he ends up ruining his own life and looking like an actual dick head.
Jake Paul only cares about the money and the fame.
12π 6π
to fart while a girl is giving you head
dude when that chick comes over im going to pull a jake on her
6π 2π
A dumbass piece of shit who's rich for posting stupid vlogs and cancerous shit that he calls a song.
Wow, he's such a dumbass.
He's a Jake Paul!
6π 2π
Cancer. Pure cancer. Death itself.
Run. Hide. Donβt look at de Jake Paul or you die.
7π 2π