a move involving two couples having sex at the same time and in the same room, ideally. After round one, the men get up to go to the other bed; they meet at the midpoint of these two ladies beds, high five, and shout 'Switch'. then the sex continues for round two with a new partner. repeat as needed.
Ashley: 'after this we should high five and switch!'
Chad: 'I think i tired Ashley out to much for round 2.'
Brad: 'ooOO' '............alright alright I'm ready lets go.'
Chad: high five! (smack)
Brad and Chad: 'SWITCH'
A place full of opportunities and exploration!
"Man, I'm so glad I got into Design Tech High School! I can't wait to explore!" 😜
St Tomas aquinas is a school in Kansas full of preppy girls who think they are better than everyone else. jocks who want to fuck ur mother and u and probably ur dog ngl they will probably ruin ur life with an std or idk ur guts?!?! They usually have huge penises The girls at aquinas are usally Vry pretty or really fuckin ugly no In between. The teachers all want to suck out ur souls and feed them to u for homework but yk at least there’s a bunch of hot upper class man? Right! sterling is probably the best football coach in the district but anyways respect to the football and baseball team those girls FOR THE STREETS.
St. Thomas aquinas
Ugly bitch: omg u go to St. Thomas aquinas high school?
Jock: ya
Ugly bitch: omg ME TO
Jock: I don’t care
Ugly bitch: plz have sex with me
School in Kansas for rich nerds and wealthy addicts that love the sophomore and junior bathrooms. notorious for horrible english teachers and very strict catholic teachers. Has way to many awards for sports.
kid 1: "You see the St. Thomas Aquinas High School game last weekend?"
kid 2: "no, what happend?"
kid 1: "they smoked St. Lames!"
Lincoln Northeast Highschool is a school in Lincoln Nebraska where very few people know what deodorant, tooth paste, and body wash is. Full of hoes.
“Deodorant is over rated”- fat kids at Lincoln Northeast High School
One of the worst high schools in Erie Pennsylvania. Most teachers are out to get students in trouble for something that they never did. The principal Tom will give you detention or Iss if you look at somebody wrong, they just want to see the kids burn. Pretty much everyone is a snake, and will snitch on you for doing anything!
Yo, Seneca High School Sucks