Can be used as general term to describe a British person of any gender.
Especially those whom are middle aged, wear glasses and sing in choirs.
Other varieties include the eccentric British Gay; antique market dwellers, obscure classical music aficionados and inventors.
Linda, those wire rim glasses , short haircut and that lovely salt and pepper hair ..screams British Gay! Love it!
I love Anthony Hopkins, he is such a British Gay
My Mum spreads Marmite on her toast like a true British Gay
Can be used as general term to describe a British person of any gender.
Especially those whom are middle aged, wear glasses and sing in choirs.
Other varieties include the eccentric British Gay; antique market dwellers, obscure classical music aficionados and inventors.
Linda, those wire rim glasses , short haircut and that lovely salt and pepper hair ..screams British Gay! Love it!
I love Anthony Hopkins, he is such a British Gay
My Mum spreads Marmite on her toast like a true British Gay
“aye vro I who was tha girl”
“I don’t know dawg”
“ask if she single since you got class wit her next ask cuz i need a piece of dat”
“shi i got you”
“like vro she curvier than a gay person”
A term used by the working class to describe a very gay person
“Is that Christopher Biggins gay?”
“He’s as gay as a Lord!”
When a boy feels sad about getting spanked really hard, but secretly likes it.
Emilio: BRANDON THAT'S SOOO GAY!! (smirking on the inside)
Let me hit your vape
Hey man, can I prank your gay? Mines dead