We need to start up where Big A had left off and completely solve the whole Jew problem.
BIG A, someone who is super thicc and assigns alot of homework but you would still smash either way.
"BIG A, just gave five assignments for the weekend." "I would still smash him tho no kizzy."
That one kid that will rock your shit and kill you. He is that one beast to not mess with
Brody Thornton big b
That one kid that will rock your shit and kill you. He is that one beast to not mess with
Brody Thornton big b
Noun: Female who is quite tall. Well rounded person with good joke delivery and found of men who are built (‘massif’). Fond of all cheeses, particularly brie.
Girl: are you going to big rach’s?
Girl 2: who’s that
Boy 1: it’s the girl everyone’s talking about
Boy 2: obviously, anyone who’s anyone is going to big rach’s
Davey: I’m going to big rach’s!
A classic s.k.a. reggae song from.
I heard Any Winehouse doing the cover at the end one of her shows on TV.
'...it's no lie, it's no lie
Huggin up the big monkey man....'
i will like ur touge for a dollar
i did the big monkey man last nigth