Being a convenience friend means that you are always someone's last option if they have absolutely no one else to hang out with and nothing to do. When fun stuff is planned they will usually leave you out. You may also find that you are always be the one reaching out to make hangout arrangements. Occasionally the other person may call or text you first but this is rare. This is usually only done at times when money is scarce in order to assess whether you have anything of value which they can mooch off of you.
Bob: "I called Dave to see if he wanted to hangout, but he said he's busy at work even though its Sunday, which is weird because I could've swore I heard a party and laughter in the background. Guess I'm his convenience friend."
Excuse you use so you don't have to deal w/ what you did when you were drunk even though you DO remember.
Felix was talking about the night one minute and next he was totally crying convenience coma.
They aint gonna be more then what they are now. They friendly to every "customer" and just onto the next. Thinking they something super like a super market but they just a drive by stop, everyone welcome at.
All you mess around with is convenience stores.
A person who is only racist around people of his own color, race, or creed. Someone who feigns acceptance in public but slurs other races when in private company.
Billy Johnny makes me feel bad about being from the south because he is a convenient racist who drops the N-word when black people are not around.
Molding someone unnecessarily to own need
Giving preference to own benefit n sacrificing others.
Misusing the rights or forfeiting the right of others for own benefit
When someone is convicted without sufficient evidence and the purpose is to get it over so that the case can be closed. It can be defined as This is the example of steamrolling for convenience.
A fee for paying a speeding ticket fine online. Convenience fees were invented by traffic courts after they implemented online fine payments. They recognized that traffic tickets were meant to be punitive and online payments of fines seemed less punitive than mailing a check or paying in person, so they are having traffic violators pay more for the convenience of paying online. Other greedy companies decided to copy traffic courts and decided to add convenience fees to their bills to customers.
Traffic violator: My fine is $105. I'll just pay online now that this option is available.
NJMCDIRECT: "$105 fine plus $3 convenience fee"
(15 years later)
Electric bill: "$62.25 plus $2.25 convenience fee"
Hertz rental car toll bill: "$4.25 tolls plus $19.98 convenience fee"
Former traffic violator: (Flashbacks to paying a speeding fine 15 years earlier) "Speeding ticket speeding ticket speeding ticket..."
A Women that looks and dresses like a boy, therefore being convenient.
Ex: Mutsuki from Tokyo Ghoul:Re. Looks like a boy and but is female, convenient trap!