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panel cw

A homosexual position in which the male, covers the other male in his feces and then urinates the shape of the letters "C" and "W" over the feces.

"Hey Tyler whats up?"
"nothin ryan want to have A panel cw?"

by maddox the blank bird September 20, 2008

cw steamer

When crockpot connor leaves a hit n run in the upstairs bathroom

Crock left another cw steamer, kid needs to learn how to flush.

by crock September 17, 2022

2 Box CW

Commonly used by snipers trying to hit easy clips on children with no thumbs, mental disabilities and Casuals that play for fun.

Shithead 1: “Hey bro wanna invite your cousin”.

Idiot 1: yeah bro I gotchu

Xtra joined the party.

Proceeds to 2 box CW for hours

by You shouldn’t be here September 4, 2021


Trigger/Content Warning, usually appears before movies or anything triggering

This video may trigger photoseizures, viewer discretion required

by Sir. B June 25, 2020

1👍 1👎

Yolo goto cw

You only live once go to country week

“Why the fuck would you waste your time in Perth playing cricket?”

YOLO GOTO CW… BMRCA style you soft cunts…”

by Tiger yobs January 14, 2022

Max CW

Truly an amazing man smart at every subject because he’s mad smart he is also Albert Einsteins brother

“Max CW is hella rich

by TURDBOIGAN23 April 20, 2022