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Free you soon

Damm fys alex you been lock up too long “free you soon”

by Cris2x March 4, 2023


fys - meaning "fuck you say"
it's similar to the "fym" text.
usually used in conversations, with phones being iphones.

bitch its not me, fys

by imspringzzyonr0bl0x December 11, 2019


Fuck your shit (see: fuck your shit)


by GLSM February 22, 2021


"fuck your self" sum to say to these bitch ass haters :3

"if your gonna keep commenting mean thing you should just fys and leave their page"

by FxiryNev May 7, 2021


Fap Yourself

Go fys now ;)

by MYMMYMYNAMEJEFF March 24, 2018


Fys is an acronym short for Fuck Yourself

Josh youre such a fuckboy, just go fys bitch.

by irrelevantblackgirl January 31, 2016


A small South Florida gang that originated from the GSTAR region. When a couple of young teens decides that they were harder than the reds & the blues the blacks stepped out and screamed “ Fys “ and that’s on periodt .

Localsadboi: “ Damn that’s shorty fine “
Royawtgt: “ yea but she ain’t with fys

Localsadboi: “ you right Ma”
*walks over , slaps hydro flask out of hand*
Bumbaca: “Wtf”
Lilareo: “hahaha”

Blanton: “ why don’t you come down to my office “

by Royawtgt October 17, 2019