fys - meaning "fuck you say"
it's similar to the "fym" text.
usually used in conversations, with phones being iphones.
"fuck your self" sum to say to these bitch ass haters :3
"if your gonna keep commenting mean thing you should just fys and leave their page"
Fys is an acronym short for Fuck Yourself
Josh youre such a fuckboy, just go fys bitch.
A small South Florida gang that originated from the GSTAR region. When a couple of young teens decides that they were harder than the reds & the blues the blacks stepped out and screamed “ Fys “ and that’s on periodt .
Localsadboi: “ Damn that’s shorty fine “
Royawtgt: “ yea but she ain’t with fys”
Localsadboi: “ you right Ma”
*walks over , slaps hydro flask out of hand*
Bumbaca: “Wtf”
Lilareo: “hahaha”
Blanton: “ why don’t you come down to my office “