Feminism is the belief that men and women should have equal rights. It is commonly confused with women who believe they are better or above men but that is not feminism then.
I Believe in feminism and it is not right that he/she is getting paid more/less than me!
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a movement that was once about equality but is now about wining about things that don't exist and video game
the feminist movement of the 1970s is not even comparible to today's feminism that is complaining about video games and movies
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The idea that women should be treated, payed, and have the same rights and RESPONSIBILITIES that men do. That women should have EQUAL rights.
NOT: The idea that women should be superior.
“Feminism isn’t a thing women have the same rights.” -says every uncultured sexist man who has no idea what is happening in the world
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“We teach girls to shrink themselves
To make themselves smaller
We say to girls
"You can have ambition
But not too much
You should aim to be successful
But not too successful
Otherwise you will threaten the man"
Because I am female
I am expected to aspire to marriage
I am expected to make my life choices
Always keeping in mind that
Marriage is the most important
Now marriage can be a source of
Joy and love and mutual support
But why do we teach girls to aspire to marriage
And we don't teach boys the same?
We raise girls to each other as competitors
Not for jobs or for accomplishments
Which I think can be a good thing
But for the attention of men
We teach girls that they cannot be sexual beings
In the way that boys are
Feminist: the person who believes in the social
Political, and economic equality of the sexes”
-Beyoncé ***Flawless
Feminism isn’t an excuse for women to think they are superior to men, a religion or belief system, and not something to dehumanize men. It’s real life. It’s the bonding of women all around the world to fight for equality between sexes. Women and men do not have equal rights. Every day, women struggle because someone thinks that they are not equal to men. It wasn’t created to make women superior to men. Always think about the comments you are making about feminism before you say them. If you can’t be kind, be quiet.
That person really believes in the equal rights between men and women. They must be a feminist.
Feminism- the bonding of women all around the world to fight for equal rights amongst all sexes
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The belief that women are more than men and that men should have absolutely no rights, along with a lot of other irrational and hateful "arguements". As oppose to meninism, feminism is widely accepted and man-hate is perfectly fine in todays society, all under the mask of an "equal rights" movement.
Feminist 1: Feminism is about equal rights!
Feminist 2: But we also want equal rights!
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An ideology defined by the following equation: F = (A + B) - C. Feminism equals Avarice plus Bigotry minus Conscience. Its most recent incarnation is characterized by supremacist whining, a form of double-think that would have made Orwell retch. Men are constantly reminded by feminists that women are taking the majority of jobs, starting more businesses than men, and generally acquiring more and more wealth at the expense of men. At the same time, feminists complain continuously about women's economic "oppression," (as though men have never been oppressed by impossible child support payments or unconscionable alimoney awards), the phoney "wage-gap" and the need for greater "equalization" (i.e. further plundering of men's earnings) in the economic sphere. Thus feminism gleefully predicts that men will become utterly disempowered while blithely demanding that they continue to subsidize the process. While perpetrating this nonsense, feminism still finds time to demand any prerogatives it deems fit to invent, squabble childishly about toilet seats AND AT THE SAME TIME complain about men's reluctance to commit to marriage (which, of course, is itself condemned as a misogynistic institution whenever it is expedient to do so). These are examples of the intellectual elasticity that allows feminism to present itself as correct on any issue, regardless of the facts or the eventual outcome. This, in turn, guides us to feminism's core philosophy: "Our say-so makes it so; if our pronouncements contradict each other, you males are required to believe both but only to the extent that they run counter to your interests and in favor of our convenience. This rule is absolute until it yields an outcome we don't like. Then we will pretend - and you are required to believe - that it never existed. Oh, and you are evil and sexist if you point to any flaw in this philosophy, even after we've abandoned or changed it. But you are a patronizing bastard if you fail to give our point-of-view your full critical consideration ... just as long as you don't disagree with it ... or agree with it for the wrong reasons ... and we will from time-to-time declare what the right and wrong reasons are ... and then change them to suit ourselves."
Feminism is nothing more than the politics of convenience.
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Feminism is a politically correct, federally funded special interest hate group.
NOW's Clearinghouse Against Fathers' Rights, The 3.9 billion dollar VAWA based on the myth that only men commit domestic violence and only women are victims, feminists claim that the VAWA is sex neutral, but then, they also claim that feminism is about equality.
Source: Krigsman, Canada
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