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To deprive of human qualities.

Inspectors have observed terrible factory conditions that dehumanize workers.

by Carter Da SAV February 6, 2018

11👍 1👎


To deprive of human qualities such as individuality, compassion, or civility and a very great disturbed song

If I offer you my soul,
Will you carry me away?
How can I be the only one
To be dehumanized again,
Left behind

by the real deal tonight March 22, 2009

97👍 6👎


Actively. That is what you are doing.

Hym "Not actually reposting the things I said. You're stealing the credit for the good things I've said and attributing only the bad things to me. You're actively dehumanizing me. That is all. And you don't care what I did. You don't care what I said. This website is evidence that small dick bigotry and dehumanization is par for the course here. You are breeder dictatorship and you are actively bad people. You are actively worse than the incels you dehumanize. The men are retards and the women are fucking retards... Explicitly because their cock is fat... And getting the shit beat out of themselves... You don't like that I said this... But you are a piece of shit. That is why you are doing this. I assaulted your source of validation so you are stealing and obstructing mine."

by Hym Iam December 14, 2024


To treat a person or group of people as though they have no positive qualities.

Hym "If you told me that Urban Dictionary was a site made explicitly for dehumanizing people with small dicks... THERE WOULD BE NO EVIDENCE TO THE CONTRARY! AM I DOING IT? AM I USING THE SITE RIGHT?"

by Hym Iam November 23, 2024

1👍 1👎