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v. Politically correct term for destruction or the causing of pain and turmoil.

"Daddy, why hasn't mommy moved since you liberated her?"

by Jesus March 27, 2005

38๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


When you annihilate something, usually with an explosion, based upon actions took by the American army who claim any place thats destroyed by them is "liberated"
can be assigned to individuals to, especially muscley americans

chuck norris liberated that hut

you liberated that deoderant can

youve been liberated

i liberated them good

by Mr Birling April 28, 2009

24๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


America's favorite scapegoat.

"These damn liberals are ruining America!"

by Apperax November 21, 2016

620๐Ÿ‘ 505๐Ÿ‘Ž


A socio-political group that believes the best way to stamp out things like crime, unacceptable behavior, and other forms of social deviance is to legalize and/or accept everything. However, the hypocrisy of Liberals stems from their intolerance of anything that is not a liberal; i.e., they accept anything but a conservative mindset.


1. Drug dealers will no longer be criminals if we legalize drugs, so let's do that.

2. Gays will no longer be ostracized if we legalize gay marriage, so let's do that.

3. Christians are an awfully intolerant lot; let's outlaw Christianity in public places like schools and judicial institutions.

Another political core attribute of the Liberal is to exploit demographics to gain power. This is accomplished by convincing low-income, no income, and/or non-residents (read: illegal aliens) that the rich somehow owe them something, but that the benefit comes from the Liberals and not from the rich who are actually footing the bill. So when the voting booths open, all the people who don't work for a living vote for more people who don't work for a living so that those who do work for a living can work their asses off to support useless people.

This can be seen in the government's "Section 8 Housing" program, where foreigners move to the United States with their 5 children, no husband, and are immediately set up in a free apartment with free food stamps, free health coverage, and free Cox High-Speed Internet and Digital Cable. Don't believe me? I audit Section 8 Housing for a living. I see it first hand. You, the taxpayers, are getting fucked in the ass and not even being kissed first.

Yet another important note about Liberals is that they flaunt surpluses as if the money came out of Heaven like the Manna of the Old Testament. They fail to tell you that an $80 Billion surplus doesn't mean they're frugal, it means they overcharged the taxpayers $80B. Sorry you can't pay your rent, but hey, at least there was an $80 Billion surplus so the government must be doing something right.

The final thing I'll note about Liberals is that they will get all offended by this definition, thinking it implies Conservatives are smarter and/or always right, which is purely not the case. Both sides suck in their own particular way, welcome to human nature.

The Liberals are for Big Government, Big Taxes, Big Spending, and Big Talk. They disguise this by accusing the Conservatives of being Big Brother.

by JustAnotherGuy February 19, 2005

1707๐Ÿ‘ 1442๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of bringing a female into a state of not being a virgin. This process is permanent. Artificial means of restoring the original state may seem to be physically possible, but in reality, it is theoretically and philosophically invalid.

"Then it happened again. Two years later, I am now with Christine in her apartment, letting our base instincts take over. Logic and Rationality's hold on us were slowly fading, and liberation would be taking place any minute now."

by simoncpu June 3, 2005

32๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


A fictional starship featured in the first three seasons of the BBC television series Blake's 7.

The Liberator was an abandoned spacecraft found drifting near Cygnus Alpha, it was equipped with powerful weapons, force field protection, and a system of "battle computers". The ship was originally built by a race of beings known as "The System". The System referred to the ship as DSV2 ("Deep Space Vehicle 2")

Liberator was destroyed after passing through a cloud of corrosive micro-organisms in the third season final episode "Terminal"

RIP Liberator

by TheDarkhelmet95Youtube December 27, 2011

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Unfortunately, nobody on here has truly captured the meaning of "liberal." Liberal inherently implies desiring change or reform of the current system, whatever that system may be. Conservative is obviously the opposite; it describes something or someone who wants to conserve the status quo and reject change.
Some people get confused by the notion that the United States differs from the rest of the world in terms of its usage of liberal and conservative, but it does not. The reason it does not is because the economic system in place at the foundation of the US was based in a free market, not a restricted one. Therefore, in the US, fiscally conservative implies wanting to conserve what was originally present, a.k.a free market capitalism. Liberal economics in the US obviously steer away from that since, as it was already pointed out, liberal implies change.
In most other countries of the world, liberal economics implies gradually freeing markets more (becoming more capitalistic), instead of less. To some people (see previous posters), this is opposite the system we use in the US, but IT IS NOT. Liberal economics, a.k.a changing the economic system, in other countries means becoming more capitalistic because they originated from oppressive economic systems.
In summary, liberal means advocating change and conservative means advocating conservation. Those definitions apply EVERYWHERE. They may appear opposite in different places, but that's only because the "status quo," or the situations, in those places differ.

person 1: If JFK ran for office today, then he'd probably run with a conservative platform.
person 2: You're absolutely right, because what was liberal in the 1960s is conservative today. That's because the situations have changed, but the terminology hasn't.

by NoVAn January 11, 2007

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