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liberty weed

To be on "liberty weed", is the description of partaking of extravagant activities, in a common scenario.

"I'm on that liberty weed 24/7.", "Sunny takes that liberty weed gei gei."

by KyzoGelo March 19, 2023

Fantail Liberty

The act of fooling yourself into thinking you've had a great time at port whithout actually leaving the ship.

Step 1 : At at the fantail of the ship, toss $100.00 overboard.

Step 2 : Drag your dick across non-skid deck.

Step 3 : Bang your head against bulkhead until you pass out.

Step 4 : Wake up out of $100.00, sore dick, terrible headache, and you'll think you had a blast on liberty!

-Fantail Liberty

by BlackCancer October 23, 2009

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Liberty Bell

The Liberty Bell is a lewd sex act in which a male spreads his legs while standing and squats down just bit. While squatting, he then holds and raises his penis, leaving his testicles dangling free. A woman then lies down underneath and inserts the entire testicle sack into her mouth, shaking her head from side to side much like ringing a bell. Ideally, the woman performs this act with such aggression that crack(s) can form at the corners of her mouth, much like the cracked Liberty Bell.

Man, Garth hooked up with some dumb ho last night. Dumb bitch got so drunk she gave Garth a liberty bell.

by Curits September 17, 2008

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Liberty Prime

A 40ft, Invincible robot who hates communism, but he loves democracy.

Liberty prime: *sees communist*
Liberty peime: Mission: the destruction of any Chinese communists.

by NumShotBoi December 3, 2018

13๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

liberty spike

to spike (ones) hair into several tall peaks, like the statue of liberty, by use of gell or wax

"wow joel your hair looks awesome liberty spiked!"

by lauren August 31, 2003

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Liberty Slap

Not to be confused with PIMP SLAP/ Pimp Smack

The slap that induces/allows freedom.

The moments after a Liberty Slap are filled with great magnificence and patriotism.

Normally covered with loud shouting to hide the fact that said slap was a liberty slap.

Known fans of liberty slap,

GI JOE, SALT, CAPTAIN AMERICA , JAMES BOND , Charlies Angels and other movies where the guy/girl gets tied up and breaks free later

At the end of the movie SALT, when the black guy was on the helicopter with Angelina Jolie and she was handcuffed, the black guy gave her a Liberty Slap and her handcuffs were undone. In the spur of the moment, Angelina Jolie was able to rip open the helicopter door and fall around a 100 feet into a icy cold water, swim ashore and run out of the camera's field of vision.

Guy 1: Shit man, my bitch ran away yesterday.
Guy 2: Well, maybe if you didn't Liberty Smack her she would still be here.
Guy 1: Naw man, she mixed up the Pimp smack with the Liberty Slap

by Yourmumlah August 19, 2010

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the statue of liberty

The sexiest big French immigrant you'll ever see, as long you don't mind that she's green. Bring her your hungry, your poor and your destitute, if you know what I'm saying (wink wink nudge nudge).

Guy 1: Have you seen that sexy green lady across the river?
Guy 2: Yeah, it's too bad she's 20 stories or 354 steps out of your league!
Guy 1: Man, I wish I could get with the statue of liberty!

by Better_Than_Your_Mom_Last_Nigh January 19, 2018

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