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Dank as Vape

Seamus, it is an up and coming term.

Woah dude, those shoes are dank as vape!!!

by DAV19992 November 10, 2015

11๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

vape god

A person (most of the time a hipster too) who is a vaping connoisseur and does not leave the house without his/her vape. This is person is too hipster to smoke cigarettes, and thus only vapes. In addition, vape gods tend to spend all of their money on expensive vape mods and atomizers to produce huge vape clouds in public, in a hopeless attempt to make themselves more attractive.

Justin: Hey guys, I just bought another vape! This one was really cheap, only $300.
Kevin: Holy fuck, you are shit a faggot vape god.

Justin: Trust me, vaping pulls bitches.

by tiddleywinkz2 December 26, 2013

118๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

ass vape

To deposit silent but deadly butt gas in someone's face when they are not expecting it...To deposit silent but deadly butt gas in someone's face when they are not expecting it...

I just hit that table of diners with some sick ass vape when I walked by...

by FrankL69 December 7, 2014

11๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Vaped Out

The state of being after vaporizing copious amounts of cannabis.

Guy1 : "Ayy man, that magic flight launch box got me vaped out man."
Guy2 : "Word."

by HeWhoVapes May 5, 2013

10๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

vape v4

vape v4 is a hacked client with ghost modules

nn: what client should i get

by i am just men September 19, 2020

22๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Vape Nation

A fictitious club that has been endorsed by H3H3Productions. This "club" has been turned more into a meme the more it is mentioned. It also has a sign that you do with your hands making a "VสŒ", indicated you are a vape faggot.

Vape Fag 1: (With hands): "VสŒ"
Vape Fag 2: Damn you a real vape nation nigga
Vape Fag 1: VAPE NATION (while exhaling vape)

by xXx_Pu$$yd3$tr0y3R_xXx_69_ May 18, 2016

181๐Ÿ‘ 62๐Ÿ‘Ž

vape jesus

Ex-smoker turned on by blowing big clouds of vapor. The "Vape Jesus" is distinct in style. Commonly seen or referred to as a "hippy". Long hair, big beard, loves skinny jeans and cardigans.

"Mom, that creepy man riding the fixed gear bike blowing clouds is looking at me funny."

"Don't worry son. That's no serial killer or pedophile. It's just Vape Jesus."

by mysterysola November 23, 2016