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Dirty Cob

Someone who is a dirtbag, sleazy.

Origin: When poor country folks couldn’t afford toilet paper and used eaten corn cobs instead.

Mexican farm worker: Hijole! El jefe is working us to death!
White farm worker : Tell me about it, dirty cob only pays $4 an hour.

by nemodat1 June 19, 2018

cob job

see scab together.

1. n. A method of building and/or installation of a particular item with utter disregard for manufacturer's instructions, resulting in the item's total failure.

2. v. To install or fabricate something with complete apathy to anyone's safety and industry standards of quality. (cob it, cobbing it)

1. Dude, that book shelf is totally coming down. Whatever asshole installed that total cob job should stop smoking the herb.

2. Ford just keeps cobbing in the rear brake drums on the Focus, resulting in the rear wheels falling off.

"If you are cobbing it and you know it, it's ok. It's when you don't know it that matters."
A qualified craftsman can cut corners and mildly cob together a quick fix, but when a homeowner cobs something, you'd better beware.
"Man, my dad cobbed the stairs together and my mom fell through, breaking her neck. "

by technohermit September 7, 2006

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Hide the Cob

This is a game played by young and old guys all alike. You need about 5 or so naked dudes with huge boners standing around in a room and then another guy standing by the light switch. The dude standing by the light switch takes a corn on a cob and throws it into the air in the middle of those 5 naked dudes and turns the light off. The 5 dudes fight for the cob and whoever gets it takes it sticks it up their asshole. Dude at light turns light back on and the 5 dudes stand there naked and the guy who tossed the cob into the air has to guess which dude has it wedged up their ass.

Wow duder, after that game of hide the cob my asshole is sore.

by Bobby Knobi August 20, 2010

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rough as a cob

In earlier times, a corncob was used by some for personal hygiene concluding a visit to the outhouse. To say that one is "rough as a cob" is to note their abrasive manner, or unpolished style of approach usually in regard to communications or actions.

You know John ain’t got no smarts, he’s as rough as a cob.

by NC get it right September 28, 2006

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cold on the cob

British for an ice pop or popsicle, used especially in the West Midlands and East Midlands.

Marjorie dear, fetch me a cold on the cob from the freezer.

by Ironslide July 7, 2010

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Corn Cobbing

Corn cobbing refers to being destroyed in a debate or social situation, but continuing to deny the destruction has happened until all credibity is lost.

It's a reference typically used in online circles following a popular tweet by shitposter @dril.

""im not owned! im not owned!!", i continue to insist as i slowly shrink and transform into a corn cob"

Dude is not even aware how bad he's corn cobbing right now. Just give up.

by Rosie Lens July 7, 2019

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Steve Cobs

A fictional Character from Inanimate insanity 2, the creator of Mephone 4, he is based off of the real person named Steve jobs (the CEO of apple from 1976 - 1985 and 1997 - 2011)

Steve Cobs from II2 is Evil

by DrBrad July 22, 2021

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