Using one hand to scroll through pornography on Tumblr while using the other hand to manually stimulate the genitals.
The One-Handed Tumble is my favorite way to unwind before bedtime.
Masturbate; Masturbation; Tossing off; Wackin off; Jerkin off; Beating your meat.
Guy 1: "Pamela Anderson is so smokin' hot."
Guy 2: "I'm going to have to do some one handed research on her."
Knowing something before it occurs.
I knew we were going to win because I could already hear the sound of one hand clapping.
A technique used by elf fairies in medieval story books, in which a magic powder from shredded butterfly wings was used to cause death by ejaculation. The substance turns from a creamy substance to a super glue-like substance. Combined with the rapid twisting motion, the penis essentially turns to dust.
Sir Robert was tragically lured in by the seductive elf fairy Kara, and died as a result of a perfectly executed one-handed butterfly twist. There was nothing left of his penis.
Masturbation,one handly Eagerly Pleasing yourself
He's been in there for awhile, he's probably doing the one hand jam.