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We don't have any currently published definitions associated with your email address.

when you searched for your definiton but don't find it so you look in your profile to find nothing but "We don't have any currently published definitions associated with your email address."

We don't have any currently published definitions associated with your email address.

by retarded black monkey October 9, 2023

2👍 1👎

A few volunteer editors read your definition and decided to not publish it. Don't take it personally!

The email check of shame. When you realize that all hopes and dreams of publishing that one definition on Urban Dictionary that made you die of laughter to yourself while stuck in quarantine are gone, gone, gone.

Phone: *makes email notification sound*
Me: *drops everything and opens email faster than the speed of light*
Email: A few volunteer editors read your definition and decided to not publish it. Don't take it personally!
Me: Well that's just great.

by Pialinist June 21, 2020

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Publisher's Societies of America

also called Cult of the GAays, they never consult anyone but their own, cult of publishers so it was this that formed wikipedia to start and left alone commit horrendous atrocities but their name implied fascism to start because the society was on the distribution controls of what others, authors and writers, have said.
2. the arch enemies of Mark Twain, all

"Over arking, phrase Publisher's Societies of America he's talking about, like the Tom Sayer 1973 movie they did, it was theirs,
there once was a Time when things like polution, overpopulation, even things like income taxes were unknown to most people, our natural riches seemed inaexhaustable, there was more elbow room, and life was a lot more fun, now, reader's digest, together with the united artists and arthur p jacobs, invites you and your family, to go back to those golden days, as we proudly present Tom Sawyer" Arthur P Jacobs, Reader's Digest, Artists United.

by Setsuko Kaguya December 24, 2018

When your definition was created yesterday and still hasn't been reviewed so it isn't published

Happened to me, like has anyone else had this problem?

I created 3 definitions yesterday and none of them are on the website yet...

I am so disappointed.

When your definition was created yesterday and still hasn't been reviewed so it isn't published

by Poopz💩 October 1, 2022

microsoft publisher

Basically just a much more complex version of Microsoft Word.

Guy 1: Hey, wanna use Microsoft Publisher?
Guy 2: Nah, I wanna use something more basic... how about Notepad? :^)
Guy 1: ¦^(
Guy 2: Its got all the things you need. See... you can edit the texts format... and.. uhh... print... actually nvm.. lets forget both of them and just use Microsoft Word.
Guy 1: Ok ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

by pseudonym... what a word.... December 17, 2017

music publisher

Music Publishers are like the responsible friends at the party who looks after everyone and make sure nobody loses their belongings also the first stand-in if there's a standoff.

music publishers are the goat

by bahhsdjjkf April 28, 2022

drunk publish

When you get sloppy drunk and think it'd be real clever to write some irresponsible, hateful, or degrading things on the internet for all to see. This could also include pictures and usually involves a couple of conniving friends.

The drunken mishaps are usually forgotten until a year or so later when someone puts an urbandictionary.com status game on Facebook.

Person- I'm a real asshole when I drink sometimes, I can take 'drunk publish' to a whole other level.

Person 2- Pity you usually forget.

by Lady of the Valley February 4, 2010