Source Code


some other guy

Not me; it's SOG.

by joe shmuckatella September 29, 2020


Studie-ontwijkend gedrag; Dutch acronym, literally meaning study avoiding behavior, or procrastination. Most likely the reason you are here. Get back to work you lazy twat!

He Mark, hoe gaat het met je afstuderen?

Mwah, beetje aan het soggen *schrijft beschrijving van SOG in urban dictionary*
(If you dont understand this, use Google Translate, I've wasted enough time)

Wouter, ben je weer aan het soggen?
Ja, ik heb een nieuw Rubikscube-record!

by KampfSchnebenundflertzig January 27, 2019


When a ladies vagina is dripping heavily, often due to anticipation of thicc dick.

Bro, my girl was right down for me last night. She had a right sog-on

by dankleberry69 February 8, 2019


Sogged, adjective: too tired (and possibly drunk) to do anything other than to sit and drink.

After a long week of work, I'm too sogged to go to the balloon glow.

by Notanaughtyboy September 15, 2018

Sog the Bun

Something that is a bit rubbish, like when your bread bun gets soggy from too much sauce and falls apart.

1: Do you want to go out tonight?
2: Nah, sog the bun on that

by Narcauxs August 14, 2023

Sog dog

Also known as “Sog and Dog” - Soggy, wet

“After a hard workout my socks are always sog and dog.”

“If you pack a sandwich with tomatos get ready for a sog dog sandwich.”

“I stepped in a puddle and now my foot is completely sog dogged”.

by CanJJ September 29, 2018


A “game” of sorts wherein an individual or group takes part in throwing random objects at cars passing by. After successfully hitting a vehicle, the group then runs from the driver and/or police. Possibly Australian in origin.

“Oi mate, wanna go sogging down by charleston street? I heard that’s where all the old ladies drive, should be an easy target.”

by Average Plumbus Enjoyer December 10, 2023