he is also known as the orignal 00clownie00! (or mike) and he uses he/him. he is a transgender male Gacha TikToker/YouTuber. their most known video was about what his mom found in his room coming in at about 26.0k views as of now. he is a “gacha cooler” (that is a group known for helping get rid of gacha heat, as it is disgusting.) he is also known for spreading positivity when he posts. :))
ask superstar..gacha about aftussy nation!
Something everyone wants to be, but the moment they become it, they want to die.
Me (while not a superstar): OMG, I want to be a superstar.”
Also me (while a superstar): “God, this is NOT fun AT ALL. Everyone is fucking insane. EVERYONE!!!! I feel like the white girl King Kong used as a rag doll. I’m constantly being FAKE and LYING because these idiots will RAVAGE me if I call them out for what they really are: EVIL.”
The one and only Superstar is Thaliva Rajinikanth no one comes close to his stardom he is demigod for crores of his fans around the world
Biggest Star in India Superstar Rajinikanth
Star Power of a film actor
Superstar Rajinikanth true star
When u cool af
Yo, look at 'em, DARYL x FLEXi SUPERSTARS!
A fake superstar is someone who has great stats on a bad team
Jalen is averaging 30 ppg but his team record is 3-16, he is a fake superstar.