Source Code

Snoop's language

Putting izzle with the beginning leader of a word.

fo' shizzle my nizzle!

by Teeze May 14, 2004

32πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Turd Language

A language only understandable by Justin Turd Ass Turd, Jordan Metalturd Dingle Ass, Kyle Dingle Ass, and Aaron Dingle. It is a metal or me-tal language. The words turd, dingle, dinglefuck, fuckass or any other made up word by the four dingle mysters is and can be used to replace any word chosen buy them.

The Turd Language examples;

1: Yo turdass, did you turd today?
2: No, where is turdass?

1: Hey dingleass, lick my dingle turds.
2: Lick my ass, turdfuck.

by juztinizill August 25, 2008

34πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

English Language

What many people online (MSN, AOL, Various Chatrooms) always abuse. Either speak English or don't speak at all you losers.

"dey normli speek lyk diz" and listen to Hip Hop, and hang around the streets smoking and acting cool.

Also see chav

Joe: u dnt know da tru
Joe: you cnt handle da trueth
Me: You can't handle the English Langauge.
Joe: y not?
Me: Point Proven

by Cloud November 15, 2004

97πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

zombie language

Conlang (constructed language) of old dead languages that get revived again by enthusiast 'conlangers', who 'feed' it on other 'living' languages!

Zombie language examples: Comish/ Manx.

by hammer---;, hytham April 14, 2007

29πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Lesbian Language

The squeals, shouts, and overall sounds made by lesbians while having lesbian sex, where they mainly don't talk just make horny sounds. All lesbians can speak this language.

Tina: (While having lesbian sex with May) Mmm....
May: muhh.. mm..uhghh.. slurpp..
Kid watching from his window: Wow, they have some Lesbian Language, thats for sure!

by someuno September 25, 2011

13πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Ock language

Developed in the land of the ninja's and perfected in the hills filled with Hokies, the Ock language is a form of communication for the inebriated. The secret language still perplexes many bystanders and evil doers, and allows the true duder to seperate themselves from the pack.

walker: "Sock Hock I Tock, I A Mock Fock U Cock Kock E Dock U Pock!"
evil doer: "Their Ock language is weaking my force field!"

by Sock Hock I Mock Cock Hock I Cock Hock October 6, 2006

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Twitter language

The most cringe and weird language. Makes you feel pain inside. Usually consists of: SKHSKSHSKSHDK - STAN DREAM *insert awful fan cam* - stay mad 😘 - YAASS - twitter do your thang

Normal Person #1: why am I feeling pain inside?
Normal Person #2: they’re speaking twitter language, you get use to it unfortunately.

by SuperGoat636 April 7, 2021

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž