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The United States of America

Normally reffered to as " 'Murica ", it is a country that is unable to mind it's own business, even though it has plenty of problems of it's own. It's inhabitants are described as large, unintelligent, gun-wielding, unemployed racists who make hourly visits to McDonalds. These creatures detest being spied on by the NSA, with the main reason being that they don't want the government to see them watching porn. Speaking of governments, theirs sucks.

The United States of America needs to get its shit together.

by Cassie Moner July 15, 2013

21๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

united states of america

Undeniably the best country on the planet. Americans enjoy many rights that most other countries don't have. It sickens me to hear the conspiracy theorists and "non-conformists" complain about the corruption and problems with the United States. If it's so bad, then just leave and stop complaining. I mean those people would obviously rather be as far away from the United States as possible instead of living here. Apparently the worst country in the world allows you to bitch and moan as much as you want, keeps you from going hungry, and keeps you safe from people who threaten our freedom. Try finding that in the Middle East and tell me how it goes.

This isn't meant to bash other countries but the citizens of the U.S. that take the freedoms presented to them for granted every day of their lives.

Non-conformist: This country is filled with corruption and hate in the government, and it's holding me down. We live in a horrible country.

Me: Then why don't you leave the United States of America?

Non-conformist: "..."

by Petey B. August 13, 2007

103๐Ÿ‘ 259๐Ÿ‘Ž

the united states of america

letโ€™s get things straight: i do not live in america nor am i apart of the general populous that inhabits the 50 states and recognized territories in which that the united states possess; i was born and currently reside in the large city known as Liverpool, United Kingdom. However, unlike 99.9999999% of citizens that reside on the island of great britain, i am actually PRO-American. Most of the stuff we have (ie phones, furniture, hardware, etc) is shipped from you guessed it, the us of a.

what country has the strongest economy, military? The united states.

Before hating on the united states of america, via stereotyping them as โ€œignorantโ€ โ€œfatโ€ โ€œlazyโ€ go get a phone, unlock it, type โ€œthe USAโ€ in the search bar, and edu-ma-cate yaself on the bloody country. before bashing their politics and electoral system, look at our problems first, the EU for instance. we literally left because of how much of a mess it is.

โ€œtheir president sucksโ€ our prime minister is literally getting โ€œimpeachedโ€ (fired) because his @$$ was watching pr0n IN A BLOODY GOVERNMENTAL MEETING AND VIOLATED HIS OWN COVID GUIDLINES HE SET FOR US TO ADHERE TO. Before ignorantly stereotyping America negatively, open a book and read it
iโ€™m in year 11 if you think iโ€™m young or stupid :)

by aqxa on the yt June 15, 2022

7๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

United states of america

The richest, most forunate, most generous and overall best country in the world.
It's probably the closest large country that is considerably Christian.
So God bless America, that's probably why America's so powerful, from all of God's blessings; but one has to see that America doesn't deserve to be blessed by God by the way it's people are.... perhaps that's why it's been getting a little bit weaker...

-where do you live?
-in the United States of America, the best country in the world, how about you?

by sinfulwretch November 8, 2005

106๐Ÿ‘ 304๐Ÿ‘Ž

The United States of America

U.S.A is the land blessed by God, but a nation where the peoples cursed by GOD live in.

by Ack!~~~~~~~~~~~~~ September 4, 2003

33๐Ÿ‘ 96๐Ÿ‘Ž

the united states of america

pagan indoctrination

right from the get go and to this present day

by )-: satanists sucks scissors :-( June 28, 2004

31๐Ÿ‘ 90๐Ÿ‘Ž

united states of america

A pretty cool country with a not-so-cool President. A ton of the population is Christian, lots of guys are obsessed with sports, hunting, and/or racing, lots of fat rednecks, etc. Maybe 85% of the population is made up of intelligent people, while the other 15% includes people like our President. Many other countries bash the U.S., thinking that we're all stupid. Not so. We're pretty dang rich and powerful, but we should donate to, like, the needy. And the environment.

President: Let's go to Iraq because a group of terrorists who blew up some towers say they're from Iraq.

Japanese/British/French/etc. person: The United States of
America sucks! If you're from the U.S. you're an idiot! Your IQ is, like, 10!

Foreign Internet Nerd Hacker Person: i will hack the united states of america!... here we go... aw crap firewalls.

by drowningfish March 1, 2008

61๐Ÿ‘ 223๐Ÿ‘Ž