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Uranus facts
Planet type: gas giant
Diameter: 50 724 km
Pronunciation: "Your Anus"

Ideal conversation topic with a friend:

You: What is 50 000 kilometers wide and full of gas?
Friend: idk
You: Uranus!!!! *laughs uncontrollably*
Friend: wtf...
You: Facts, just search uranus diameter on google and you will realise its wider than earth.
Former friend: You're in deep trouble


*1 hour later*

You: *in hospital* let's be friends again?

Friend: *also in hospital* of course, we have always been good friends

Uranus is huge. I mean, it really is.

by 200+ IQ person May 29, 2022


1: Defines the 7th Planet in the Solar System. Is an Ice Giant with one ring. Has a predominately Methane, Water, Hydrogen and other gasses.

2: A donut up your Roo.

Teacher: Class, today we will learn Uranus, discovered by the one and only Herschel.

Student: Herschel’s Uranus?

Teacher: Correct.

Girl: Yukhh, has Uranus a brown surface?

Teacher: Ummm, no?

by DontDrink8GlassesADay February 21, 2018

uranus destroyer

bro like so basically uranus gets destroyed by a uranus destroyer and if you think i am talking about a planet then i am talking about a planet but if you think anything else you are also right!

i will absolutely destroy your anus just call me uranus destroyer like the planet motherfucker dont be weird

by iwishmyuncledidnttouchmybutt69 December 6, 2022

Uranus Was Sucked Into A Black Hole

The most pleasurable cosmic event in history.

When Uranus Was Sucked Into A Black Hole you experienced great joy.

by Bangarangus75us October 2, 2022

Fluffy Uranus

Someone who is too politically correct about every small little detail to the point of being uninteractiable.

Originating from the character’s Fluffy and Uranus, from the American adult comedy TV series, Duckman.

He was pulling a Fluffy Uranus! All he talked about to me this afternoon was how unfair he’s being treated at work for being bald black, just to get attention!

by Justicewithtacosandweed August 14, 2018

Mianus touching your Uranus

Means your following too close, your tailgating,you don't know how to drive!!

When your too close to my bumper driving mianus touching your Uranus

by Hippiechef February 2, 2023

uranus bat mapping

1. gay
2. ur anus bat

i hate uranus bat mapping

by ro-ota-optube-ubmhater January 27, 2021