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Wifi Wifey

A bae who is a long distance partner

I'm going to see my wifi wifey this weekend

by Banubear March 24, 2016

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WiFi Slut

A person who has been to many friends and family homes and has obtained the WiFi password for their own personal gain, however awkward the initial request for the password was.

Person 1: Damn, I haven't got any data reception...

Person 2: Hey guys, check this out on the internet...

Person 1: How did you get data reception in here?

Person 2: I've got the WiFi password obviously...

Person 3: *leans in* Yep, Luke is a real WiFi Slut!

by Chantheman April 1, 2013

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shitty wifi

Hell for internet addicts

shitty wifi is the equivalent of hell for many people in our society

by Dubiks March 10, 2019

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wifi wifey

When a girl is on wifi all the time and double taping your pics

*double taps pic*
Your my wifi wifey babe

by Duhitzmarksbae January 1, 2016

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Wifi wifey

A wifi wifey is a sneeky little internet fused connection with someone! It's like married on Facebook but not in reality, that's a wifi wifey ;) it is also used a lot for affairs and cheats!! Basterds lol? But other than that it can just be two happy people that love each other who talk over social media a lot xxxxx wifi wifeys

Hey wifi wifey love you!
Do you double tap like me, when I'm on the road you can Skype me, I'll follow if you follow me back, coz your my wifi wifey!!!!!!

by Random guy you love123 March 7, 2016

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Wifi hoe

A broke bitch whose only communication is through wifi

Valarie is such a broke wifi hoe

by Ihatewifihoes March 29, 2016

wifi tease

(noun) when you piggyback from another's wifi source and it can't make up its mind whether or not it wants to remain an available network. Usually due to poor atmospheric connection or poor signal quality.

Bob: I can't seem to stay connected to Inetgirl. It keeps bumping me off the internet."
Tom: "Yeah, I hear Inetgirl is a real wifi tease around THIS neighborhood."

by notsosure25702 June 27, 2011