Source Code

Wet Wilder

When a girl handcuffs a man to a bed then urinates on his chest.

Guy 1: Did you hear what happend to joe?
Guy 2: No, what happend?
Guy 1: His crazy girl friend handcuffed him to a bed then pissed on his chest.
Guy 2: Aww nasty he got a Wet Wilder.

by Spade of the Nation May 19, 2006


Wilder is a man that is strong, passionate and powerful. His life has been far from easy, but has overcome so many obstacles. if you are his friend, you are one of the few and if you are his lover, he’ll love you forever. He keeps a small circle around him. It’s very hard to get into .he is full of fun, love and growth. some say that Wilder is so spiritually in tuned he can summon demons on command and put the devil himself back in hell.


by September 21, 2023


A beautiful women. She is very independent and strong ! But be careful what you say to her because she is very sensitive and has a short temper . She is always wanting to help out and do little acts of kindness . Her beauty is all natural but she does not date often . She may come off as rude but she is truly a wonderful person .

Oh look how beautiful Wilder is !

by slimegurruuuuu March 26, 2018


A cute guy a big heart who tries his best to make everything happy not caring about his happiness they're rare, fun to be with get yourself a Wilder

I love my wilder...

by drey56 January 27, 2021


An annoying teacher

That wilder really got on my nerves last week

by Turtle_Nugget January 9, 2019


A way to feel sick

Oh god everytime i see wilder i get cancer

by Joiem98 February 16, 2022

urban wilderness

A place where Nature has or is in the process of reclaiming the urban jungle

The west side is becoming more and more urban wilderness.

by skippyscamp April 9, 2016