Your favorite set of substances, both hardcore drugs and softcore like sugar and caffeine
Guy1: i'm bored let's go to my friends house
Guy2: will be Dugs there or no?
Guy1: ofc! you like dissociatives, right?
An avid right wing anti-masker who won’t get his picket out and hold the line. Spends hours per day watching Fox News.
Works countless hours at the local diner & swears by their famous dandelion & peameal breakfast.
Women are mesmerized by dugs demeanor & political standing.
Stacey says to her group of friends: “omg I love Dug and his right wing bigotry. I would let Dug do anything to me!!!
A person who is thought to have or has been diagnosed with dug syndrome.
Yo, that's gotta be a dug over there!
Jockinese catch all term for any member of the sub-species canis lupus familiaris.
Derives from the inability to take any simple word and pronounce, or spell, it properly as is the wont of Scots folk the world over.
"Haw yae sinma dug?" - translation "have you seen my dog?"
Dug is a Golden Retriever who belongs to Charles Muntz and Charles builds Dug a collar that lets him speak. ( Up )