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Ethnically Challenged

The pc word for anyone who isn't White aka non-whites

Person 1: "Damn, man my bike got stolen yesterday."

Person 2: "it must have been one of those ethnically challenged people."

by White_trash88 June 26, 2019

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Ethnically bi-curious

When a member of one ethnic group becomes entranced by the pop culture of another ethnic group, adopting their style of dress and mannerisms, while still keeping their normal cultural customs and circle of friends as much as possible

Doug: Whats going on with ted? Last week when we went golfing he was wearing a basket ball jersey and a wave cap, he even told me he prefers to be called t-bone now.

Mike: I don't know man, ever since he started dating that girl from the urban wear store in the mall, he has been very "Ethnically bi-curious".

by Gennieass March 12, 2011

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Time to get ethnic

A phrase to describe an imminent act of wild, crazy, drunken, inappropriate behavior that can include getting naked, dancing on furniture, cursing, telling disturbing jokes, breaking stuff and/or yelling at strangers.

Benny: Oh Rick, I am sorry to hear you lost your favorite sweater vest today.

Rick: It totally blows Benny! I LOVED that sweater vest. I am so pissed and have been drinking for the past 4 hours. It is so time to get ethnic!

by MissSassyNicoleB April 3, 2012

Ethnic Bowel Syndrome

A savage case of the shits brought on by consuming foods from another culture that the consumer's system is not prepared to handle.

My friend Mark won't try Indian food. He's afraid it'll give him Ethnic Bowel Syndrome.

by is this pseudonym also taken April 17, 2015

ethnic sex act

1. A vulgar sex act that follows the naming convention of placing an ethnic adjective next to a seemingly innocuous, everyday word. Often, the theme of the sex act will be constant with the ethnicity, for example, often linking Greek with anally related acts and Russian with extremely violent sex acts.

Notable Ethnic Sex Acts:

Mexican Avalanche
Greek Ram-rod
Russian Cockblock
Spanish Blindfold
French Bagel
English Breakfast
Italian Foot Bone
{insert ethnicity here} {insert random everyday word here}

by aka_Pyro May 27, 2008

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Prussian-German ethnicity

People who are of Prussian-German ethnicity are generally regarded as on the top of the Germanic racial hierarchy. Most Prussian-Germans are also generally regarded to be Nordic, though most Prussian-Germans are not regarded to be Hyperboreans. Sigismund Steinhauser is a notable example of someone who is both nordic and Prussian-German

"I look nordic as fuck. Prussian-German ethnicity." - Sigismund SteinhÀuser NSDAP 卐

by hawn hawn baguette September 19, 2022

ethnic name shame

being ashamed of your name givin at birth because it sounds too ethnic and is always mispronounced and laughed at.

I was born with the name "Kcid" and people always laughed and made fun of me so I had my name legally changed to "Dick". I had ethnic name shame.

by AJ is a fag January 22, 2010

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