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On Internet Explorer

Looking at picture on the internet they deem too pixelated, but most of the times the picture is only blurry due to greasy fingers on their glasses.
Only used by neckbeards who are trying to sound cool while supressing the thoughts of their own viginity and mortality. Because they don't realize

Lil bro is on internet explorer.
or the beta/virgin version
Good caption internet explorer.

by Linguistic God of Poos July 28, 2023

Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer is a tool for downloading Opera, Chrome or Firefox or infecting your Windows ME computer on purpose, It was created by Microsoft in 1995 and made your computer vulnerable to viruses starting with Internet Explorer 6 in 2001, Microsoft noticed that is was terrible in 2014 and in 2015 replaced it with Microsoft Edge, AKA the Chrome Killer.

Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to die

by Squirrel719 June 21, 2015

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Internet Explorer

The world best browser to download another better web browser.

I use Internet Explorer to download Mozilla Firefox because I deserve it.

by Nuketail March 18, 2015

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Internet Explorer

A different way to say shit

Guy #1:Ohhh that guy is a real piece of internet explorer!
Guy #2:I agree.

by .Baka-chan October 24, 2016

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Internet explorer

A popular web browser by Microsoft based on NSCA Mosaic.

by Win2k admin October 25, 2003

48๐Ÿ‘ 173๐Ÿ‘Ž

Internet Explorer

A web browser for use on Windows platforms. There was once a version for Apple Mac users, but this has been discontinued. Receives a bad reputation from open-source proponents because of perceived flaws and errors in its rendering engine; is the target of much abuse from these proponents, whom are often zealous of Mozilla Firefox to the point of fanaticism.

These zealots often seem ignorant of basic computer security, believing that Firefox will prevent viruses and spyware from infecting their computers, when in fact, Firefox is merely a browser and is not a universal panacea. If Internet Explorer is coupled with the freely-available security updates, it becomes as secure and more stable than Firefox.

Although it may lack the bells and whistles of other browsers, as an internet browser, Internet Explorer performs its job adequately.

I used Internet Explorer today to browse UrbanDictionary.com.

by CNash October 24, 2006

38๐Ÿ‘ 153๐Ÿ‘Ž

Internet explorer

A browser, that, while at first sight might appear open to spyware, will be just as resiliant as alternatives such as Mozilla if you take the time to secure it correctly.

As a stubborn IE user, I have not recieved one piece of spyware on this machine yet.

by Snuffkin February 4, 2005

55๐Ÿ‘ 251๐Ÿ‘Ž