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jah osama

He is the finest man ever he gone have ur kitty juicey and throbbing

I want jah osama to make a new song

by Jahosamawife November 9, 2022

Jah bless

Peace to everyone

Jah bless my nigga

by Braut1894 August 12, 2023

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jah knee

the homophone for Gianni, the godianni. People mistake him for Johnny.

person 1: hi jah knee!!!!
person 2: hi cheese!!!!

by mckinncheese June 7, 2020


Jah-Nhy is one of those kids who are a real dick and and has such a immature attitude but when he's around certain girls he will become a lot more nice.

Jah-Nhy is being a bitch

by Tiago martin January 4, 2019

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Thy creator of thou Nibba and thou 5 prophets, Jah-rel is the God of the Niggalations Bible. Lord Taki, God of thou thots, and Jah-rel, God of thou nibba, have been battling for centuries. During the last hours of Jah-rel, Jah-rel created thou holy 5 prophets. They will then continue Niggalations and take Jah-rel's place. Thus leading to thy new testament

In prayer: On Jah-rel, I have recently had sexual interactions with a thot, please forgive me for my sin as I have disobeyed your commandment. In the name of thou nibba, thou hood, and thou 5 holy prophets... jah-men

by The one and only, Jah-rel March 13, 2020

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Nuff jah

really cool, hip, deadly and awesome, so totally awesome

How nuff, jah!

bus that barra is nuff, jah!

(barra - short for barramundi)

by steven November 16, 2003

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jah crown

1. to be high or stoned from marijuana(usually involving a more mental high)

jake:"dude take a hit"
tyler:"thanks bro"
jake:"yeah no problem... you wearing jah crown?"
tyler:"yeah man I'm feeling jah crown."

by Chronicinhaler May 17, 2013

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