It's just the Lazer way. Give it a squeeze, let it sink in said mom.
Learn to plow by feeling the moist earth, it's a Lazer quality.
the act of coming into ones mothers vagina
derrick shot his white lazers in attempt to satisfy his mother
A man who is of quality but it is canceled by his love of fortnite but his love of midas and beyblade cancels his love of fortnite
Person: Hi
Lazer Leafeon: YeH TriN to HaRD
Like pistol whipping but with I Kewl light up gun that both looks and sounds futuristic.
Person 1: "Man That guy staying in the same spot the whole time and shotting everyone is really pissing me off"
Person 2: "I know I shot him but nothing happens"
Person 1: "If he wins one more time disco pony is lazer whipping his ass"
Person 2: "Hahahahaha
the mispronounciation of "lazerdiscs" by the most incredible people in the world.
This movie is availbale on VHS and lazer dics
A pleb that plays Xbox with Aivariux who is an absolute swaglord who totally does sex a lot (trust me)
Person 1:”who’s that neek who looks like a malnourished acorn?”
Person 2:”that’s just Lazer Guy don’t worry”