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Why didn't they come for me?

Hym "GREAT QUESTION! I don't know the answer but the fact that they didn't makes you guys not look very good. I did all of the things that you're not supposed to do (BUT ALL TOTALLY ALLOWED! THIS IS ALLOWED WHAT I'M DOING HERE!) and everyone loves it! Internationally beloved! I guess if you're just really, REALLY good at what you do and are better than everyone.... The leftists just leave you alone or whatever. IoOow" 🤷 ♂️

by Hym Iam January 23, 2023


A person who suffers from feelings of inferiority and tendencies for oversocialization.

guy 1: I’m a Leftist.
guy 2: cool.
guy 1: sorry, that term is offensive as it carries masculine connotations, I prefer the term “beautiful”
guy 2: cool

by Bonerong5009 June 19, 2024