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An individual who applies logic and common sense regarding political and economic policies. In the negative, the typical individual in the absence of state influenced indoctrination.

Adam:"Kevin, did you hear? George thinks force shouldn't be initiated against peaceful people. He's even willing to defend his property against the IRS using arms."

Kevin: "Yea dat ni**a libertarian."

by pseudonym2469 December 16, 2016

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One who wants to maximize individual liberty and mimimize the role of the state. ("Live and let live," so to say.)

Government should protect and preserve life, liberty, and property, as well as intervene in the events of force and fraud. (Force, however, is OK when somebody trespasses onto your property and/or initiates violence against you or a loved or defenseless one.)

On the issues (Thanks to the U.S. Libertarian Party's official website)...

1. CRIME AND VIOLENCE: Protect victims' rights. End prohibition. Get tough on real crime (ones with actual victims). Protect the right to self-defense. Address the root causes of crime.

2(a). ENVIRONMENT - BASICS: Abolish sovereign immunity for government officials. Privatize "land and beast". Use tort (restitution) as a deterrent and restorative.

2(b). ENVIRONMENT - GLOBAL WARMING: Utilize non-government ways to put a stop to the "problem" we've been hearing about.

3. FAMILY BUDGETS: Knock down income and property taxes so families can put more money into their bank accounts and piggy jars. Utilize sales taxes to collect revenue.

4. FOREIGN POLICY: Non-interventionism. Use deterrence, and only attack when actually threatened or attacked. Free trade over foreign aid to help out developing nations. No conscription, period.

5. FREEDOM OF SPEECH: No censorship, no subsidization. Only intervene when there's coercion involved.

6. GUN LAWS: The right to bear arms. Encourage gun ownership, and invest in education and training programs to promote responsible gun ownership.

7. HEALTH CARE: Establish Medical Savings Accounts (MSAs). De-regulate the health care industry. Remove barriers to safe, affordable medicines.

8. INTERNET: Stop censorship.

9. IMMIGRATION: To immigrants, no welfare. And make sure you get screened for medical purposes and have had a police background check. Then you can enter LEGALLY.

10. POVERTY AND WELFARE: End welfare. Establish a dollar-for-dollar tax credit for contributions to private charity. Tear down barriers to entrepreneurism and economic growth. Reform education using the free market (or vouchers or tax credits).

11. PRIVACY: Repeal restrictions and regulations on the private development, sale, and use of encryption technology. No court-issued warrant detailing the time, place, and area to be searched, no search. No national ID card and no Social Security for ID purposes.

12. SOCIAL SECURITY: Sell all assets to make sure that America's promises are kept while pursuing IRAs (Individual Retirement Accounts) for the purpose of allowing citizens to control their own retirement.

13. TAXES: Privatize and cut taxes. Get Germany and Japan off of military welfare. Stop bailing out industries with taxpayers' money. Replace welfare with private charity. Sales taxes would be better than income and property taxes.

A Libertarian on the issues...

1. CRIME AND VIOLENCE: "How about monetary restitution for the victim instead of the death penalty? And let's legalize drugs, gambling, and prostitution, as long as it's consensual."

2(a). ENVIRONMENT - BASICS: "What the EPA says goes, politicians. It's time you guys sold some land to pay off the national debt. And I'm gonna take that guy to small claims court because he spilled oil on my front lawn."

2(b). ENVIRONMENT - GLOBAL WARMING: And I'll plant some trees to suck up that CO2, a'ight, you global-warming worrywarts?!"

3. FAMILY BUDGETS: "That FairTax is such a good idea. Instead of you taking my money, I'm GIVING it to you."

4. FOREIGN POLICY: "Do we really need to police the world or contribute troops to UN peacekeeping forces? I honestly would rather sign free trade agreements over foreign policies. Yeah, sure, jobs may be outsourced, but we should really knock down corporate taxes so we can compete for those jobs."

5. FREEDOM OF SPEECH: "Read the First Amendment."

6. GUN LAWS: "Read the Second Amendment. I'm training to use a gun responsibly, mind you. I won't shoot unless in self-defense, but I'll pay you money if I misfire my gun, a'ight?"

7. HEALTH CARE: "Let's find ways to lower costs instead of trying to find bureaucratic ways to foot the bill, OK, you Canadian-style health care lovers?"

8. INTERNET: "Read the First Amendment. Net Neutrality is an invasion by government into the free market -- let Internet providers shoot themselves in the foot."

9. IMMIGRATION: "Let's cut off welfare before we open the floodgates."

10. POVERTY AND WELFARE: "A job is better than welfare."

11. PRIVACY: "Read the Fourth Amendment. And stay out of my comp, unless you got a court-issued warrant!"

12. SOCIAL SECURITY: "IRAs R awesome. I could sell these assets to help pay the national debt."

13. TAXES: "Lower taxes by cutting the fat from the budget. Privatize, no military welfare, no corporate welfare, and private charity. Russ Feingold and all you other budget hawks in Congress, take notes."

by Obscure Anomaly September 2, 2006

144๐Ÿ‘ 403๐Ÿ‘Ž


CONTRARY TO POPULAR STEREOTYPE, we are NOT a bunch of pot smoking anti government conservatives.

Libertarians believe that state regulation should be minimal. We believe in reforming or abolishing welfare, lowering taxes, disbanding unions, legalizing marijuana, legalizing same sex marriage, etc.

Libertarians are economically (fiscally) conservative, believing in minimal government regulation and a free market economy. However, we are socially liberal, being tolerant of social groups of all types.

Libertarians also believe that citizens should not be punished for harmless crimes, such as not wearing a seatbelt, possessing drugs, driving without license plates, and tax fraud.

Libertarians are a right wing group that believes in very high levels of freedom and low government dependence and regulation. So stop stereotyping us and making us all look like anarchist potheads.

by broke ass happy man November 3, 2020

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A millennial who doesn't want to admit that he/she is a republican.

I'm PC just like you! I just like small government so I'm a libertarian. But one thing I'm definitley not is a republican. Fuck Bush, am I right?!

by Beathoven You! 1979 November 3, 2015

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Libertarianism boils down to two simple questions:

1) What does it mean to have liberty?

2) How do we, as a society, implement liberty in our daily lives?

Libertarians believe that people should be free to do whatever they want just as long as they do not hurt other people. For instance, if someone is minding their own business while smoking weed in their car or in their backyard, most libertarians will argue that he or she should be left alone. If the individual is truly sovereign, then they should be able to put whatever they want into their own body. For it is the individual who owns their body, not the state. Libertarians, such as the Libertarian Party, believe in "minimum government, maximum freedom"; while libertarians, such as the anarcho-capitalists wish to abolish the state. For this reason, people tend to stereotype all libertarians as anarchists. Libertarianism is a very broad political philosophy. One doesn't need to be a member of the party to be a libertarian, nor do they need to be an anarcho-capitalist. Finally, they do recognize the potential dangers of large corporations. They are pro-free market; not pro-corporation. They're also not made up of "wealthy individuals." This is also a generalization. They could come from a poor background, a middle class background, or a wealthy background. Libertarians believe everything should be voluntary.

by Dancing with Fire September 30, 2013

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A secret neo-Republican who desperately wants to be edgy, special, and feel more "in the know" than others. Tends to accuse others of being "sheeple" every time a political conversation comes up, especially online in groups of strangers he/she will never meet in person.

"I'm a Libertarian and I'm so punk. Mainstream is below my intelligence. I scoff at you sheeple."

by Valium30mg October 5, 2019

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A republican in denial.

I just realized that republicans are known to be crazy and, while I still believe everything they preach, I don't like the crazy label, so I'll just call myself a libertarian and no one will know the difference.

by MinisterEvil December 26, 2015

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