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The type of guy that cooks you breakfast because you once mentioned breakfast foods. Will probably help with anything. This includes helping get you wasted.

Norm helped me change my oil then afterward bought me 7 too many drinks

by Andytehunicorn October 14, 2022


The name given to someone who unironicaly laughs and refrences memes after they apear on đź‘Ź meme reviewđź‘Ź

Jim: hey man what’s up
Bobby: oh hey norm
Jim: what? No it’s me Jim, your best friend...
Bobby: have you seen the latest meme review?
Jim: hell yeah, can’t wait to use those new memes

Bobby: oh hey norm

by Kitchen🅱️ench June 5, 2018


When one of your friends has food that you want just say "Norms" and they have to give you food.

Finn has a great lunch, NORMS!!!!!

by harry balzz December 14, 2021




by justvibewitme April 17, 2021


Those asians that have no fashion sense what so ever. Often unpopular, & indecent looking.
**On rare cases some norms if "fixed" can be exceptionally cute or maybe hot.

Girl1: omg, Nick is such a Norm!
Girl2: red sweater, blue jeans too small for him, and raggedy running shoes&&his socks are showing. . .yep total Norm.
Girl3: He COULD be cute if he dressed properly.

by zDeadlyAznX February 16, 2010


This is used to describe something that is regular, normal and expected.

You're engaged to Catherine?
Norms, I'm engaged to her

by BĂąodaYDF December 27, 2019

pulling a norm

being rude to everyone. being unbearable and super self centred at all times. being a snitch and just being all around a terrible person!

jess: shut the fuck up you're stupid and I am beautiful
me: OMG stop pulling a norm

by imyourbitch123445 April 23, 2018