Source Code

Point of No Return

A point at which the player may not turn back. You may not revisit any prior locations or start any missed sidequests; you MUST continue your journey until you beat the game, and any content you avoided up to this point may not be reached.

The Point of No Return is always preceded immediately by the Point of Safe Return, which is the last chance to do sidequests or stock up for the journey. Similar Plot Tunnels lock the player onto a set course for a while, but they don’t lead straight to the end of the game. Game Levels are where you’re frequently prevented from returning to previous areas.

The term “Point of No Return” originates in aviation, where a plane that crosses this point must continue toward its destination.

Point of No Return, Plot Tunnel, and Game Level all have pages on TV Tropes, where you can read more about them and what games they’re in.

This is your last chance to save the game. You are about to cross the Point of No Return. If you do decide to save your game, keep the save file handy should you need to come back.
Yes No

by The_Epicness9000 March 16, 2022

Rip & Return

The act of "renting" a DVD from a rental machine, ripping it and returning it to the vending machine within the period when you are not charged for rental.

What did you do last night? Not much, I did a rip & return on the new Batman movie.

by MrPudding January 21, 2009

Return fire

When a man pisses at a urinal, and some of his pee ricochet off of the urinal and lands on his face. This usually only happens when a man's stream is very powerful, so that is why this earned the name returning fire. A man's stream is so powerful that the urinal has no other decision but to retaliate.

Me: Why is your face wet?
Friend: Because a urinal gave me some heavy return fire.
Me: Whats return fire?
Friend: When you piss at a urinal and it decides to return the favor.

by IcomplainToTheInternet17 November 14, 2018

margarinal returns

"Bare-bones" proceeds/rewards that are of far less value/usefulness than whatever it was that you originally invested into said venture... in other words, it's like you put fresh pure premium dairy-butter into da mix, and only got stale margarine back out for all your sweat 'n' toil.

I diligently updated my profile and paid my dues to a local dating-service in the hopes of scoring some sweet fresh "milk", but all I got was a bony plain-Jane past-middle-aged biddy wif A-cups and a hairy snatch dat smelled funny --- talk about margarinal returns!

by QuacksO November 18, 2018

Return to Blockland

Return to Blockland (or RTB) was a social network that Blocklanders could access in-game if they had the addon installed. It gave players the access to a chat room, a "friends" and "friends list" function, and a menu to install addons from the menu. I know that there is more that I am forgetting, but it has been more than a year since it was shut down.

It was shut down around February 6th, 2014.
There is however, a website that emulates the website edition, not the overlay. It is however, just the addon menu. I can't link it here, but you can still google it.

Guy 1: Dude, I just found this cool addon for Blockland!
Guy 2: Really? What is it?
Guy 1: It's called Return to Blockland, or something like that, just install it. It adds social features and a place to install addons.
Guy 2: Sounds cool, let's check it out!

by Jshotgun July 15, 2015

4👍 3👎

point of no return

the point on a poorly made urinal, where the least amount of piss bounces back on to your trousers

hey man, did you piss on your leg?
oh yeah, i couldn't find the point of no return on that shitty urinal

by kosherbacon January 3, 2011

57👍 95👎

return to mooseport

sometimes referred to as the bullwinkle; returning to the site of the moose previously anally raped the subject begins to anally rape the moose again only to have his dick bit by a opossum which was living inside the dead moose corpses anal cavity

how about a return to mooseport

by bean dip August 20, 2006

3👍 2👎