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Life Saver

1. a duo show with Isabella Hin and Madeleine Roger-Lacan at Bubenberg
2. paintings and photographs, aquatic and anadyomene

Did you see Life Saver ? It's a fantastic show.

by instanibor October 11, 2018

Time savers right

a common homebrewed rule in a number of roleplaying games by which a player may declare an answer to a question if it is acknowledged that the gm is taking too long to give an answer.

ok. we have waited long enough. I'm invoking the time savers right.

by Alwain June 1, 2020

scene saver

someone who doesnt allow other kids to join their scene.

an emo kid starts dressing scene and a scene kid says "you're not allowed to dress scene cause your emo"

this scene kid is now a scene saver.

by fobthesheep7 August 28, 2009


Going naked.

I'll say one thing for nudist colonies --- they surely take the "laundry-saver" notion to a whole new level... they are known for buying very little detergent or fabric-softener, especially during warmer months.

by QuacksO October 20, 2018

Cash Saver

Definition of the term Cash Saver :
A way to save money with deep discounts from businesses on goods and services you need, want or desire.

When I think of Cash Saver I go online to the cashsaverprogram.com and saved money on everything I normally had to pay full price for.

by Cash Saver Man March 12, 2010

Squirrel saver

When water troughs are placed in a field for livestock they are set under a tree to keep cool. However squirrels fall in and drown. So they place a log that breaches the water so the squirrel can escape. This is the same as releasing a large turd log in the toilet that breaches the water. Whereby a squirrel would be saved if it fell in. Most likely to happen after eating at a Chinese buffet

Sharon come check out this squirrel saver is just dropped

by Batmanlou January 26, 2019

Professional Ass-saver

People who work in project management and client interaction and know exactly what to say, who to blame, when to do to save the ass of their weak little developers and company. Usually paid medium-sized bucks

Me: Henry is a professional ass-saver

by nit.sh June 4, 2019